How do I get myself to care about school?
For info: I'm currently in highschool, in year 11/grade 11. My grades are low (I'm failing a course too)
When I was a little child, I took school more seriously, and I actually enjoyed going to school because I got to do fun kid stuff - alongside learning. But things change when the 2020 covid-19 quarantine happened. After that, I found it difficult to actually care about school. I didn't enter highschool with a good mindset. Throughout grade/year 9, 10, and 11, my grades have been really bad. What makes it worse is that my mom is all about "getting your education" because it's how she was raised, so me and her would often get into quarrels about my efforts in school.
Throughout highschool I've been so miserable. A big portion of my stress comes from school. It makes me neglect anything that has to do with school I.e. overdue assignments. This has just gotten worse overtime. Before I entered highschool, I confidentally told my mother that I would never skip school...spoiler: I do. This year, I've skipped more school than any other time in my life.
Another thing which makes it difficult for me to care about school is that I have no plan on what job I intend to go into. I'm just doing random courses to get my credits. This makes me value school a whole lot less because...what's the purpose of it? I take a course, learn and have to memorize a bunch of stuff which I will forget overtime, stress about assignments that are due, and get my credit. That's it. I feel so directionless right now and I find no purpose in going to school.
But, does this mean that it isn't important? No. I need my highschool diploma of course. But still, I've tried to get myself to actually care about school but I just don't. I always see it as of lesser importance. I envy the people who can genuinely care about school (and have high grades as well). Because I struggle to do both of those.
I could go on for much longer about why I can't get myself to care about school, but I just want to find a solution.
How do I get myself to care about school?
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