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Selling Online / Prime Mover

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34 contributions to Selling Online / Prime Mover
Homeless to Prime Mover!
Thank you @Kevin Mangum for allowing me to share my story! In this episode of Know Evolve Proceed, we’re excited to welcome Renee Jackson, a dynamic funnel website agency owner who combines her passion for digital marketing with a strong commitment to community outreach. Renee shares her entrepreneurial journey of building a successful agency while staying grounded in her mission to uplift and support local communities through outreach initiatives. Join us as we explore: Renee’s approach to building and scaling a funnel website agency. The intersection of entrepreneurship and community service. How giving back has shaped Renee’s personal and professional growth. If you're an entrepreneur looking to make a positive impact both in your business and your community, this conversation with Renee is one you won’t want to miss! #BillionaireBossClub #BlackGirlsHackFunnels2
New comment 10d ago
Homeless to Prime Mover!
2 likes • 10d
@Brandon Hunsaker - thanks for summarizing @Renee J 's experience so well! Of particular note are 4 and 5, that is, one can not only serve the original customers (local businesses), but other digital marketers looking to do this in their markets (pretty much *anywhere* in the world!) and provide them the course and associated offerings, thereby opening up a completely different market for one's expertise, *and* becoming a leader in that process.
[The Hero's Journey] Would Sharing It Be Valuable? Would Love Your Opinion!
Folks, I have participated in the SellingOnline Challenge - all 4 days of it, and, like everyone, my head is still digesting the ideas (what Vishal?! you ask ... head ... digesting ... ideas! Funny how that goes right - first off, the head doesn't digest, and second off how could one digest ideas anyway :-), but we'll leave that for later in this journey/adventure - believe me, it will tie in - I'll close the loop at some point ... I promise :-)). And, as my head was doing that (digesting, that is), something sprouted in there ... a seedling of an idea (there you go again Vishal you say! whoever saw a seedling sprout in ... a head! I say ... patience dear Prime Movers), and the idea is this: I have no product or service in the info marketing space, and I have no list or social media presence (for this info marketing seedling). I am essentially starting with a totally clean slate, from scratch, zip, nada ... and literally have to build my business from the soil up! (Ok you English majors, "ground up", I know, but I'm going with the seedling remember, and ... it grows ... in the soil, remember?). So, I thought, I would share my entire journey here as a series of posts as things happen - my plans, how I'm executing them, what I'm encountering, and of course, in that process, rely on the collective intelligence of this awesome group to help me and hold my feet to the fire (or should it be "my seedling to the sun"), WHILE at the same time providing value to the community by documenting the journey of a novice funnel hacker. It's kinda like ... building the runway, as the Boeing 747 advances! And, taking you along for the ride (or for building the runway, depending on how ya'll look at it)! You with me? Let me have a virtual show of hands if you are! The value for me would be: - the need to focus ...intensively - major accountability - being vulnerable, having to overcome my fear of stepping out into the unknown and trepidation at sharing with such an elite group - and sharing my trials, tribulations, and triumphs ... honestly and humbly.
New comment 9d ago
[The Hero's Journey] Would Sharing It Be Valuable? Would Love Your Opinion!
1 like • 10d
@Jenny Krumdrick - I sent you the link to this post via Skool messaging, but thought it would be easier if i simply @ mention you here directly :-).
1 like • 10d
@Renee J - sorry for the late reply! And, thank you for the link, AND for posting the video/podcast interview of you (I just saw that post, as I was going through my notifications!) - very inspiring! (Folks, if you haven't seen this post yet, you'd certainly want to do so, for some added inspiration!) I have had my head down working on both my existing technical consulting work (which I am giving a fillip to with the marketing strategies we're learning here and in all the Q+A calls etc for PM), *and* using the FountainHead materials to apply to the info marketing business, which, of course, is being built from scratch. So, pardon the long-delay in my response, I am still creating a schedule etc. to fit everything in, including being active in Skool here, because I DO want to contribute to others growth and success, and share my thoughts in a manner that helps other PMs here! This is why I have not been able to be on Skool, as I'm literally drowning in things to do right now! BUT, I'm working relentlessly on it, to make sure my head's above the water soon :-). Or, going with my seedling analogy in my post, I'm just growing the roots, in the damp, moist underground (as Myron Golden likes to say!), so I'm literally underground for a while!
🔥 The Secret to MASSIVE Sales—Just Add Two Words!
How Two Simple Words Can TRANSFORM Your Sales: I just watched a NEW YouTube video from Russell Brunson, and he shared something that BLEW MY MIND once again! 🤯 It’s a simple tweak that boosted his sales conversions by 74.6%! It’s all about using two little words in your presentations, whether it’s a video sales letter, a webinar, or even a one-on-one sales call. These words are part of a technique called Trial Closes. What I Learned: Trial closes are all about getting your audience to say "YES" multiple times before you even ask them to buy. Russell learned this from a legendary speaker, Ted Thomas, known as the "Pied Piper" of sales. Ted would use these trial closes to get people nodding their heads, saying yes over and over, so by the time he asked for the sale, they were already convinced! Russell tested this on one of his webinars. By adding trial closes at key moments—after testimonials, after explaining features and benefits, and when introducing new ideas—his conversions SHOT THROUGH THE ROOF! 🎯 How You Can Apply This: Here’s how you can start using trial closes to BOOST your sales: 1. After Testimonials: When you share a testimonial, PAUSE and ask your audience, "Isn’t that amazing? Can you see yourself achieving the same results?" This gets them nodding and agreeing with you. 2. After Features and Benefits: When you talk about a feature, ask, "Would this help you save time? Would this make your life easier?" These simple questions help reinforce the value of what you’re offering. 3. When Introducing New Ideas: When you present a new concept, ask, "Does this make sense? Are you excited about this?" Each "YES" gets your audience closer to saying "YES" when you ask them to buy. How I’m Putting This into Practice: I’m starting to use trial closes whenever I can—whether it’s in a conversation, while teaching, or during a presentation. I’ve been testing them out with my wife, kids, the guys at the station, and even my dogs! 🐶 I’m so determined to get this down that I might start leaving sticky notes all around the house and office just to make sure these trial closes STICK in my head. 📌
New comment 20d ago
🔥 The Secret to MASSIVE Sales—Just Add Two Words!
3 likes • 21d
@Jon Pakula - thank you for the great suggestions! I just bookmarked that video earlier today evening to watch :-). Yes, Russell did mention the trial closes during the SellingOnline Challenge as well (whose recordings I am still going through!). And, thanks, as always for an excellent summary of ideas in the video.
[TESTIMONIALS] What Was "Selling Online" Like For You?!?
For everyone who's on the fence about joining the Selling Online Event, what was YOUR experience? Missed it? Grab your ticket for the NEXT Selling Online Event here!!
New comment 4h ago
1 like • Aug 17
@Deollo Johnson - glad to hear that. Happy if you find his message of value and/or it resonates with you. It did with me - I just found him very on point and clear.
0 likes • 21d
@Deollo Johnson - yes, I have been watching Dan Martell the past 2-3 weeks, he came up when I began watching David Bayer :-)
[Lighthouse vs Tugboat] A Powerful Life Lesson
I was inspired to share this by a post I read from @Vishal Sharma His post made me think of a powerful life lesson that I first heard from Sean Whalen on a podcast a year ago and it has stuck with me… The Lighthouse vs Tugboat lesson goes like this… The TUGBOAT can save Boats. The LIGHTHOUSE can save Boats. But...the way they choose to do this are DRASTICALLY different from one another. The TUGBOAT goes out...pushes and pulls with great effort in an attempt to rescue/save individual boats…and in the process...runs itself ragged trying to get itself AND another boat to shore. A Lighthouse stands Fixed and Simply Shines it's Light out...No Pushing...No Pulling...Just using it's light to guide ships safely to shore...Boats can choose to follow that light or not...either way the Lighthouse Stands Tall and Fixed...Continuing to Shine it's light… How many times in your life have you tried to help someone...gone out and pushed and pulled them to go in this direction or that...only to meet resistance...and by the end of it all...your exhausted…worn out...and eventually say screw it... I’ve spent a lot of my life with that same mentality...just being a Tugboat… Trying to help this person...and that person...and that person... But...what I’ve learned is that until someone DECIDES they want the help...all the pushing and pulling doesn't do a damn thing… So what do you do??? Be the Lighthouse… Stand Tall...Fixed...Shining your Light… Having true CONVICTION and Knowing who you are is Infectious… Being Authentic and Infectious… When you focus on becoming your Best Self and broadcast that to the world… People will take notice… Those who want to come into your light...WILL Those who don't...WON’T… But...if and when they do… You will still be there… Guiding the way… Shining your Light… It’s easy to get sucked into being a TUGBOAT… the end...when you blow your motor and need to get it replaced… How many people are you going to be able to help???
New comment 15d ago
[Lighthouse vs Tugboat] A Powerful Life Lesson
1 like • Aug 20
@Jon Pakula - you're good dude! By all means, do write more - about business, about life, about serving, about being steadfast, about never-giving up ... and anything else you're inspired to write about.
1 like • 30d
@Jon Pakula - great thanks for the reference! I've made a note!
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Vishal Sharma
176points to level up
Technologist, run own telecom consultancy (24+ years) in Silicon-Valley. Diversifying into info. marketing to serve my tribe of "natural thrivers"!

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Joined Aug 12, 2024
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