[The Hero's Journey] Would Sharing It Be Valuable? Would Love Your Opinion!
I have participated in the SellingOnline Challenge - all 4 days of it, and, like everyone, my head is still digesting the ideas (what Vishal?! you ask ... head ... digesting ... ideas! Funny how that goes right - first off, the head doesn't digest, and second off how could one digest ideas anyway :-), but we'll leave that for later in this journey/adventure - believe me, it will tie in - I'll close the loop at some point ... I promise :-)).
And, as my head was doing that (digesting, that is), something sprouted in there ... a seedling of an idea (there you go again Vishal you say! whoever saw a seedling sprout in ... a head! I say ... patience dear Prime Movers), and the idea is this:
I have no product or service in the info marketing space, and I have no list or social media presence (for this info marketing seedling). I am essentially starting with a totally clean slate, from scratch, zip, nada ... and literally have to build my business from the soil up! (Ok you English majors, "ground up", I know, but I'm going with the seedling remember, and ... it grows ... in the soil, remember?).
So, I thought, I would share my entire journey here as a series of posts as things happen - my plans, how I'm executing them, what I'm encountering, and of course, in that process, rely on the collective intelligence of this awesome group to help me and hold my feet to the fire (or should it be "my seedling to the sun"), WHILE at the same time providing value to the community by documenting the journey of a novice funnel hacker. It's kinda like ... building the runway, as the Boeing 747 advances! And, taking you along for the ride (or for building the runway, depending on how ya'll look at it)!
You with me? Let me have a virtual show of hands if you are!
The value for me would be:
  • the need to focus ...intensively
  • major accountability
  • being vulnerable, having to overcome my fear of stepping out into the unknown and trepidation at sharing with such an elite group
  • and sharing my trials, tribulations, and triumphs ... honestly and humbly.
The value for you, the community, will be:
  • to see the process unfold
  • learn/review the mechanics - from having to make a plan, to purchasing various pieces, and getting them going (I understand that some may be very elementary for everyone here, and I don't intend on dwelling on those, but at least they'll be part of the process flow)
  • learn of the issues encountered (from the seemingly mundane to the more esoteric and complex)
  • use this as a basis/framework to build/refine your own ideas/businesses
  • a chance to critique my process/thoughts - thus learning in the process
  • become aware of issues/nuances that you may not have thought about (or not thought about in a while)
  • get answers to issues that we all, at least those who are very new, like I am, encounter at various points (and I got the impression there are at least a few of us; while, of course, there being many, many very accomplished and experienced folks here as well, all the way into the 2CCX and beyond!).
Is that good or is that good?
My basic idea is to work in (and I've written this in one place elsewhere, so don't flame me for repetition :-)), what I call "natural thriving", which I define as "having sustainable (i.e., long-term, as in into the 70s, 80s, 90s and beyond, ideally until one's last breath) health, vitality, vibrancy, vigor, energy, and acuity, to contribute to, and enjoy, life, using only natural means - diet, nutrition, exercise, movement, meditation, and the sun, earth, sky, air, and water." Something I've been practicing a while, and accumulating lessons/insights in the (on-going!) process.
The reason I chose this is because as I've looked around, I see a lot of folks having to live well below their potential (in every sense of the term) because they don't have sovereignty over their own mind and body, and, more importantly, *don't believe* (that's a limiting belief for you!) that they *can have* such sovereignty or that they can achieve it totally naturally, without any interventions (or with absolute minimal interventions). And, if they could be helped, it would, IMHO, dramatically change society and how we all show up - for ourselves and others.
Myron Golden in 's first podcast gave the Biblical lesson (and I recommend everyone listen to that bit ... 4:29 - 7:30 in the podcast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zo9BHpsPss&t=2s) that one has to BE, then DO, and *then* one HAS. But in society today, pretty much everywhere in the world, it's the reverse; folks are stiving to have, and for that "doing", and completely forgetting the "be-ing" (we are be-ings, so we're meant to "be" *before* anything else!).
BTW, Kirby de Lanerolle in this talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWzJpXhsi0c (check out 0:0 -- 1:34 and 14:45 - 15:05 - you can ignore the rest, if it challenges your beliefs - although he *does* talk about (literally) consuming less and producing more!) also talked of first being just "I AM" (and not being identified by our titles etc.) and of raising our consciousness to solve the problems of the day - and men/women/children not living up to their full-potential seems like a helluva big problem to me.
This fact that our society has got it backwards is well-reflected in the statistics (which, if you agree, I'll present in a later post as part of my market research and defining the "avatar" of who I could help), and you just have to look around you to see the results - folks are "busy" doing, stressed out trying to "have", and thus neglecting the "be"-ing. The result -- UN-natural (and pre-mature) decline, debilitation, deterioration (dis-ease, disturbance, depression), , and, ultimately, disintegration and death. ( - you like metaphors, I like similies; how's this one for ya! :-)). Which is such a tragedy - so much potential in so many people goes unrealized, so much happiness is sacrificed, so much joy is lost; all of which is a great loss to the well-be-ing of society everywhere!
So, do you think this is a good idea? Would you like me to share the journey? Do I see a show of hands?
What thoughts/suggestions might you have?
Vishal Sharma
[The Hero's Journey] Would Sharing It Be Valuable? Would Love Your Opinion!
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