21d ago (edited) in MarketingSecrets.com
🔥 The Secret to MASSIVE Sales—Just Add Two Words!
How Two Simple Words Can TRANSFORM Your Sales:
I just watched a NEW YouTube video from Russell Brunson, and he shared something that BLEW MY MIND once again! 🤯
It’s a simple tweak that boosted his sales conversions by 74.6%!
It’s all about using two little words in your presentations, whether it’s a video sales letter, a webinar, or even a one-on-one sales call. These words are part of a technique called Trial Closes.
What I Learned:
Trial closes are all about getting your audience to say "YES" multiple times before you even ask them to buy. Russell learned this from a legendary speaker, Ted Thomas, known as the "Pied Piper" of sales.
Ted would use these trial closes to get people nodding their heads, saying yes over and over, so by the time he asked for the sale, they were already convinced!
Russell tested this on one of his webinars. By adding trial closes at key moments—after testimonials, after explaining features and benefits, and when introducing new ideas—his conversions SHOT THROUGH THE ROOF! 🎯
How You Can Apply This:
Here’s how you can start using trial closes to BOOST your sales:
  1. After Testimonials: When you share a testimonial, PAUSE and ask your audience, "Isn’t that amazing? Can you see yourself achieving the same results?" This gets them nodding and agreeing with you.
  2. After Features and Benefits: When you talk about a feature, ask, "Would this help you save time? Would this make your life easier?" These simple questions help reinforce the value of what you’re offering.
  3. When Introducing New Ideas: When you present a new concept, ask, "Does this make sense? Are you excited about this?" Each "YES" gets your audience closer to saying "YES" when you ask them to buy.
How I’m Putting This into Practice:
I’m starting to use trial closes whenever I can—whether it’s in a conversation, while teaching, or during a presentation. I’ve been testing them out with my wife, kids, the guys at the station, and even my dogs! 🐶
I’m so determined to get this down that I might start leaving sticky notes all around the house and office just to make sure these trial closes STICK in my head. 📌
What’s Next?
If you’re looking to BOOST your sales and connect better with your audience, try adding trial closes to your presentations. Start small and see how it impacts your conversions. It could make a BIG difference!
And remember, small changes can lead to BIG results!
How do you plan to use trial closes in your sales presentations? Share your thoughts in the comments—I’d LOVE to hear about it! 💥
Want to know more about me check out the post below 👇
[Firefighter to Funnel Builder] The Hero's Journey Framework applied to My Origin Story
Link to Russell Brunson's YouTube Video
#PakulaPost #MarketingSecrets #ValuePost
Jon Pakula
🔥 The Secret to MASSIVE Sales—Just Add Two Words!
Selling Online / Prime Mover
Discover the secrets of how to Sell Online and step into your calling as a Prime Mover with Russell Brunson!
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