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6 contributions to Outliers
Navigating a relationship with a 26 yr/old woman as a 19 yr/old man
Okay so I broke up with my long-term gf back in February to focus on my own career/business goals but at the same time I’ve been dating this woman ever since, we live 2 hours from each other so only see each other once in a while and are NOT in a committed relationship… She is very much on the same page as me in terms of make money online, personal brand, remote high ticket sales etc. and has actually supported me as I progressed from dm setter-phone SDR-closer and growth operator in these last 8 months. The question is where do I go from here, if I want I could easily fall in love with this girl, travel the world and live my lifestyle but… I have almost stupidly big ambitions. Do you think she will get in the way or is this something I have to decide for myself? -Joe Up and coming G
New comment 2m ago
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Based on what you're saying it's sounds like she's supporting you in you're way up, so it's up to you to decide whether you'll get there faster alone or not Something else to take into account (which I'm currently taking into account and that become more important) is finding some balance. After all life is not a sprint, so make sure you'll be able to keep going in the long run, it's better to maybe take 10 years to get where you want, rather than trying to sprint it in 3 and giving up because you're too tired, or because you're hate you life if you have 0 enjoyment Anyway I'm in a very very similar situation, if you want send me a DM
Fitness & Success
Hi, As we all know, fitness & success are 2 of the most important aspects of a man's life, I'm not there yet, but I'm slowly making progress, and I want to share what I already know if that can help some people 💪💪 I've done my first bodybuilding show this year (as you can see on my profil pic), I'd love to share everything I know about building muscle, losing fat etc... But instead of writing a post that would just be too long, ask me any question you have related to the topic and I will help you 💰💰 I've also created my first e-com company, with some humble beginning but I'm learning and improving along the way. I'm far from having mastered it but I believe I can still share some valuable information, so again, if you have any questions about e-com, and if I have the answer, I'd be happy to help you Currently, what is your main focus on ?
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New comment 5h ago
Fitness & Success
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@Jake Joseph yes, I'm not balling, but the goal for me is to learn as much a possible, and in the long run those skills and knowledge will pay out, and I think ecom is one of the best business model to learn a lot of things, allowing also to specialize in something later down the line
0 likes • 5h
@Jake Joseph I don't know if we can really talk about sales as a skill, to me sales is more in person, in ecom I'd say it's more about copywritting. Even though in the end the goal is the same, I think when we think about a great salesperson we think about someone being able to sell face to face. For sure some skills from copywritting and human psychology are transferable to in person sales, but it's not the same thing I hope I've answered your question
Finding the right fragrance
I have always struggled to find my signature scent! Right now I am looking for a winter scent with a great price. Do you guys have any recommendations or favorite scents?
New comment 6h ago
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Creed has great flagrance in my opnion, you can buy their demo kit with 5 of them and chose the one you like the most
1 like • 8h
@Botond Értekes Adventus, I think it's one of the most known but I like it. Also, it's a UK brand, I don't know where you live but no one knows it in France so I don't smell like everybody else who use like Sauvage or the more known flagrance
Fitness and business💵
For me fitness and business are two of the biggest things in life. It is not enough to just level up in one of them. For all my entrepreneurs in here. How is the fitness side going?
New comment 2d ago
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Fitness was the main priority, now that I've achieve what I think to be a good enough physique, I'm more trying to maintain it and focus on the other aspects of life
Thoughts on nootropics?
We often discuss about supplements that increases muscle mass, strength pumps or testosterone, but I've realized that not many discuss about nootropics (brain boosting) The Silicon Valley tech nerds are investing heavily in brain boosting so that they can be Lazer focus on their tasks with 0 distractions. Imagine taking a pill and you can fully utilize your brain in your purpose...that sounds too good to be true. There are many frauds out there too! So, what are your thoughts on nootropics? Do they work? Or they're just a fad?
4 members have voted
New comment 2d ago
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Well, the same way I think most "performance" supplements are 90% marketing, because if they really helped that much, people wouldn't get on gear... I think it's mainly the same for nootropics. Not saying it's completely useless, but I think most of the time the ROI on those things is pretty low, as @Marko Dr said, sleep + diet will do 90% in both situations
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Thomas Pellegrini
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Sic Parvis Magna

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Joined Nov 6, 2024
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