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3 contributions to KetoforCancer
Has Anyone Followed the Paleolithic Ketogenic Diet for 6 Months or More?
As individuals managing a metabolic disease, we often face dilemmas when choosing what to eat. Dairy or no dairy, this plant or that plant, this meat or that meat. I know there is no perfect answer and not all of us can depend on studies as it takes a special skill to decipher real studies from the biases in studies funded by big food and big pharma. I’d like to share my quick story about several detours in my diet journey: 1. Initially, I followed a clean diet of mostly plants, fish, eggs, grain, and other whole foods (e.g., cruciferous veggies, nuts, avocados, berries, salmon, fermented soy, kefir, wheat bread, etc). 2. After developing the metabolic disease, I changed to a ketogenic diet, it’s only been a few months. 3. Recently, I found the Paleolithic Ketogenic Diet (PKD), focusing on four-legged animal meat, animal fat, and organ meat. No dairy, no plants, no grain, no vegetable oils, no fish, no eggs. Having been on PKD for just a week, I've been feeling good, but of course, it’s subjective. Hence my question. I'd love to hear from anyone who has followed PKD for 6 months or longer. I would appreciate your experience and insights. I would also appreciate an expert comment from @Johnny Rockermeier if you will. Thank you
New comment 2d ago
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As I'm starting into this, no expert at all, I'll just share my personal experience that the diet PER SE is irrelevant. What is relevant is glucose levels and ketone levels. Getting to therapeutic ketosis. This goal seems to be attainable by different diets for different people. I've been on a mostly carnivore with some veggies diet for months and I like it and feel good and have lost weight. But last week got a continuous glucose monitor and eating meat also makes my glucose levels rise. What seems to help so far with lowering glucose is sleep! Sleeping I reach 65-70. As soon as I get up, my glucose levels rise. And then eating meat they rise more. The body is complex. My conclusion so far is that simple ideas are not up to the challenge of the body's complexity. I am considering fasting now. For what it's worth!
Super Sunday Story-Time!
Hi guys, this time for something different, something more personal: Tell us your most entertaining / disturbing / enlightening / dis-encouraging conversation story that you encountered, while talking to your MD or oncologist about Dr. Seyfrieds metabolic approach: What was their opinion towards all of this? :--)
Complete action
New comment 8d ago
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The first comment from my doc when I mentioned the metabolic theory in general was that there were no clinical trials. The second was, “I understand the theory, but the human body is super complex and one of cancer’s superpowers is getting glucose.” In other words, the metabolic theory is over simplistic and unrealistic. The overall attitude was at best, you are going to waste your time and money with things like HBOT; at worst repurposed drugs will harm your body.
Hello all -- I'm glad to be part of this community and already have learned A LOT by reading some of the classroom posts. I have stage IV, have been on chemotherapy plus diet plus HBOT for the last 8 months since my diagnosis with surprisingly good results. I am now going to start following the full-on press/pulse protocol. Question: My doc advises against using Fenbendazole with chemotherapy. Can anyone point me to research or to the answer as to whether there are any known negative drug interactions between Fenbendazole and chemotherapy drugs, specifically Capecitabine pills? Crazy that we have to self-medicate like this, but here we are! All individual experiments ... thx ...
New comment 14d ago
3 likes • 15d
Thank you Kimberly and Melissa!
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Thomas Elsner
1point to level up
Thomas Elsner stage IV cancer.

Active 2d ago
Joined Aug 17, 2024
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