Has Anyone Followed the Paleolithic Ketogenic Diet for 6 Months or More?
As individuals managing a metabolic disease, we often face dilemmas when choosing what to eat. Dairy or no dairy, this plant or that plant, this meat or that meat.
I know there is no perfect answer and not all of us can depend on studies as it takes a special skill to decipher real studies from the biases in studies funded by big food and big pharma.
I’d like to share my quick story about several detours in my diet journey:
  1. Initially, I followed a clean diet of mostly plants, fish, eggs, grain, and other whole foods (e.g., cruciferous veggies, nuts, avocados, berries, salmon, fermented soy, kefir, wheat bread, etc).
  2. After developing the metabolic disease, I changed to a ketogenic diet, it’s only been a few months.
  3. Recently, I found the Paleolithic Ketogenic Diet (PKD), focusing on four-legged animal meat, animal fat, and organ meat. No dairy, no plants, no grain, no vegetable oils, no fish, no eggs.
Having been on PKD for just a week, I've been feeling good, but of course, it’s subjective.
Hence my question. I'd love to hear from anyone who has followed PKD for 6 months or longer.
I would appreciate your experience and insights. I would also appreciate an expert comment from if you will.
Thank you
Fitch T
Has Anyone Followed the Paleolithic Ketogenic Diet for 6 Months or More?
We help people to prevent, manage & cure cancer, based on ideas by Dr. Seyfried. Proposed foods follow the RockSolid Diet, invented by J. Rockermeier.
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