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5 contributions to Selling Online / Prime Mover
How I won 2CC, 2CC"X" and 2CC"C" Award in less than two years!
I'm super excited to be here and looking forward to learning one to many selling with Russell. That's because one to many selling is one of the most important key letting me won 2CC, 2CC"X" and even more...2CC"C" Awards in less than two years.(BTW, I'm business consultant who comes from Taiwan. I sell online courses, coaching programs and funnel building services to business owners.) My webinar funnel to sell high ticket won the 2CC"X" Award. I can't imagine this if I'm not selling high ticket offer.(I'm also using Linchpin that Russell taught in 2CCX coaching program/prime mover mastermind to scaling my business now, this model is epic). The most two important lessons I've learned from this journey is shifting your mindset and expand the front-end. If I didn't shift my mindset to sell high ticket, I can't achieve 8 figure level that fast. The biggest myth of most people is selling high ticket is hard and lack of confidence to their products or services. They don't think their products or services worth that much. (They feel pressured to sell high ticket offer, because they don't think their offer has that value to charge higher price point.) But this is all mindset game. If you think deeply to what problems you can solve for your clients, and how their life will change after using your products and services, you'll understand what your value is in a deeper way. Another lesson I learned is expand the front-end. After I build the high ticket webinar funnel and it converts, the next problem I've faced is how to scale it asap. I use facebook ads to drive cold traffic to my high ticket webinar funnel at first. But it's hard to convert efficiently. So I analysis Russell's ads. I found almost all of his ads is selling frond-end offer. I started focusing on the frond-end to expand my audience. This move makes my conversion rate even higher! Most people said is very hard to sell high ticket now, but there is not happening in my business. Because most people focus on selling, and I focus on serving. I promise my clients that no matter how much they pay me, I'll make them back at least three times of profits or their money back.
New comment 13h ago
How I won 2CC, 2CC"X" and 2CC"C" Award in less than two years!
0 likes • 16d
@Bill Griggs Happy to help.
0 likes • 2d
@Tom Pina Thank you Tom. I believe in you. You could do this for sure.
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New comment 2m ago
0 likes • 16d
@Bill Griggs Anytime.
0 likes • 15d
@T Bayote Thank you T. I've shared my journey and takeaway here, do you read it yet?
What's your best one-to-many sales record?
Just curious...what's your best one-to-many sales record? Russell's most famous is sold over $3.2 million in 90 minutes and $12 million in 90 minutes at FHL.(It's incredible) My record is list below: (Thank you @Russell Brunson , I can't do this without your teaching. BTW, I'm not to show off, just wanted to know what a good result everyone has done. We could learn from each other.) ✅ $200,000 in a single webinar ✅ $500,000 in three webinars (I have planned a series of three webinars) ✅ $1.2 million in seven webinars (54 days to win my first 2CC Award) Could you share what's your best one-to-many sales record? Please comment below. If you are just starting now, please comment "Just started" PS. I highly recommend Grab Your Ticket to Selling Online if you haven't bought a ticket yet.
New comment 17d ago
0 likes • Aug 13
@Attila Lovász Really? Let's work hard together.🤝
0 likes • 17d
@Rumana Khan You can watch replays.
Kickoff Call #1 Takeaway
I would imagine one of the biggest objections some people might have about implementing what Russell is teaching in this event is that "I am an introvert so selling one-to-many isn't for me". Can you all see how it's actually not only BETTER to sell one-to-many, but much EASIER to sell one-to-many if you are an introvert? Even as someone who sells one-to-many, I had a big mindset shift around this!
New comment Aug 14
3 likes • Aug 13
I am also an introvert, this is why I learn one-to-many selling and did pretty good. You can see my best record in this post, and we can do this if we commit to do it.
Kickoff Call TONIGHT @ 6:00 PM EST (3:00 PST)
Just a quick reminder that we have a "kickoff" call for the Selling Online event TONIGHT! It will be less than an hour, but please try to make it. I'm going to give you a few important details to help make the next 3 days a HUGE success for you. If you don't know how to get on the "KICKOFF" call, you can login to the dashboard and get the link here: Who's coming!?! Drop a gif in the comments if you are!!! Thanks again, and I'll see you soon!!!
New comment 7d ago
Kickoff Call TONIGHT @ 6:00 PM EST (3:00 PST)
2 likes • Aug 12
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Terry Fu
197points to level up
I'm business consultant who comes from Taiwan and won the 2CC"C" Award.

Active 4m ago
Joined Aug 7, 2024
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