Kickoff Call TONIGHT @ 6:00 PM EST (3:00 PST)
Just a quick reminder that we have a "kickoff" call for the Selling Online event TONIGHT! It will be less than an hour, but please try to make it. I'm going to give you a few important details to help make the next 3 days a HUGE success for you.
If you don't know how to get on the "KICKOFF" call, you can login to the dashboard and get the link here:
Who's coming!?! Drop a gif in the comments if you are!!!
Thanks again, and I'll see you soon!!!
Russell Brunson
Kickoff Call TONIGHT @ 6:00 PM EST (3:00 PST)
Selling Online / Prime Mover
Discover the secrets of how to Sell Online and step into your calling as a Prime Mover with Russell Brunson!
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