What's your best one-to-many sales record?
Just curious...what's your best one-to-many sales record?
Russell's most famous is sold over $3.2 million in 90 minutes and $12 million in 90 minutes at FHL.(It's incredible)
My record is list below: (Thank you , I can't do this without your teaching. BTW, I'm not to show off, just wanted to know what a good result everyone has done. We could learn from each other.)
βœ… $200,000 in a single webinar
βœ… $500,000 in three webinars (I have planned a series of three webinars)
βœ… $1.2 million in seven webinars (54 days to win my first 2CC Award)
Could you share what's your best one-to-many sales record?
Please comment below.
If you are just starting now, please comment "Just started"
PS. I highly recommend Grab Your Ticket to Selling Online if you haven't bought a ticket yet.
Terry Fu
What's your best one-to-many sales record?
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