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Security Insider Strategies

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28 contributions to Security Insider Strategies
Father Shoots and Kills Boyfriend - Storming the Front Door!
Here's how I would approach that situation as an SIS member if my daughter's ex-boyfriend tried to force his way into our home: Stay calm and avoid escalation: Getting confrontational will likely only make the situation worse. Keep a level head and try to defuse tensions. Call the authorities immediately: The safety of you and your daughter is paramount. Contact the police right away and report that someone is attempting to break into your home and you fear for your safety. Convey any threats the ex-boyfriend has made. Secure your home: Make sure all doors and windows are locked. If the ex-boyfriend does gain entry, get your daughter to a safe, locked room like a bathroom or bedroom and stay with her until police arrive. Avoid physical confrontation if at all possible. Gather evidence: If you can do so safely, record a video of the ex-boyfriend's actions on your phone, which may be useful for legal proceedings. Write down everything that happened with as much detail as you can remember afterward. Support your daughter: This is undoubtedly a scary situation for her. Reassure her that you'll keep her safe, it's not her fault, and you'll get through this together. Discuss filing for an order of protection if she doesn't have one already. The most important thing is keeping a dangerous situation from turning tragic. Don't try to handle it alone - get help from law enforcement professionals trained to deal with volatile domestic disputes. The goal is ensuring your daughter is secure and can begin healing from this traumatic experience surrounded by love and support.
New comment Mar 26
Father Shoots and Kills Boyfriend - Storming the Front Door!
1 like • Mar 26
Dad showed restraint until the suspect broke through the door. Great job!
097: Urgent Vs. Important: How Top Security Experts Know the Difference
Owners and Operations Managers in the security industry often feel like professional firefighters. They spend their entire workday chasing down and fixing urgent problems, and when it's time to go home, they realize they haven't done anything to improve the business. When we're in firefighting mode, it becomes difficult to distinguish between working on the business and working in the business. This is a dangerous place to be, because if we don't set aside time to work on the business, we'll never meet our goals and we'll eventually fall behind the competition. In my job as VP of Customer Success at Silvertrac, I'm used to hearing this kind of complaint from the security professionals I talk to. They'll say things like: I know replacing the reporting system will be a major step forward for my business, but I just can't find time in the day to make it happen. Thankfully, there are techniques you can use to get out of firefighting mode and start achieving your business goals.
New comment Mar 26
097: Urgent Vs. Important: How Top Security Experts Know the Difference
0 likes • Mar 26
Great points.
096: How To React When a Client Accuses Your Officer of Lying
Everyone in the security industry knows what it’s like to be accused of lying. When your company is responsible for the safety of hundreds or thousands of people, situations are bound to arise where someone feels your officers were not doing their jobs correctly. Because of this, security operations managers are often put in the position of needing to prove that their officers are telling the truth. Check out our podcast for tips and advice about how to react when a client accuses your officer of lying.
New comment Mar 26
096: How To React When a Client Accuses Your Officer of Lying
0 likes • Mar 26
Great topic to share. Very nice summarization of each segment.
Win $ 500.00 Five Hundred Cash - (SIS) Challenge
Hey, (SIS) Security Insider Strategies community! I want to kick things off by expressing my gratitude to every one of you who has joined the (SIS) platform. We're building an incredible group of security professionals with diverse expertise and backgrounds, and I'm thrilled to see our community grow. To encourage even more engagement and valuable contributions, I'm excited to announce the Chris Anderson (SIS) Challenge for $500! The first person to advance to Lieutenant status on our leaderboard will receive a $500 gift certificate as a token of appreciation for their dedication and involvement. So, how can you climb the ranks and reach Lieutenant status? It's simple: 1. Engage with the content by giving thumbs up to posts that resonate with you or provide valuable insights. 2. Share your thoughts, experiences, and expertise by commenting on articles and participating in discussions. 3. If you're passionate about a particular topic and want to contribute as a thought leader, reach out to me. I'll happily change your role status, enabling you to create and share your posts with the community. Remember, the more you engage and contribute, the faster you'll advance on the leaderboard and get closer to that $500 prize! I also want to encourage you to spread the word about our growing community. Invite your colleagues, friends, and anyone who shares our passion for security by sharing your personal link or using mine below. The more diverse perspectives we have, the stronger our community becomes. [Insert your referral link here] Once again, thank you for being a part of the (SIS) Security Insider Strategies community. Your support and contributions are invaluable, and I can't wait to see the incredible insights and discussions that emerge as we continue to grow together. Let's keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the security industry! Best regards, Chris Anderson (SIS) Security Insider Strategies - Founder
New comment Apr 27
Win $ 500.00 Five Hundred Cash - (SIS) Challenge
3 likes • Mar 26
@Chris Anderson yes
Monday Win The Day
Happy Monday Insiders! What is your biggest focus for this week?
6 members have voted
New comment Mar 19
1 like • Mar 19
Working on the SIS project
1-10 of 28
Steven Thoreson
36points to level up
Security Consultant retired law enforcement

Active 102d ago
Joined Mar 10, 2024
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