097: Urgent Vs. Important: How Top Security Experts Know the Difference
Owners and Operations Managers in the security industry often feel like professional firefighters. They spend their entire workday chasing down and fixing urgent problems, and when it's time to go home, they realize they haven't done anything to improve the business.
When we're in firefighting mode, it becomes difficult to distinguish between working on the business and working in the business. This is a dangerous place to be, because if we don't set aside time to work on the business, we'll never meet our goals and we'll eventually fall behind the competition.
In my job as VP of Customer Success at Silvertrac, I'm used to hearing this kind of complaint from the security professionals I talk to. They'll say things like: I know replacing the reporting system will be a major step forward for my business, but I just can't find time in the day to make it happen.
Thankfully, there are techniques you can use to get out of firefighting mode and start achieving your business goals.
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Chris Anderson
097: Urgent Vs. Important: How Top Security Experts Know the Difference
Security Insider Strategies
" I spent 30 years as a private security operator, coach, mentor, teacher. I cofounded Silvertrac Software. I will be sharing everything with you!
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