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" I spent 30 years as a private security operator, coach, mentor, teacher. I cofounded Silvertrac Software. I will be sharing everything with you!


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116 contributions to Security Insider Strategies
The Night I Was Shot: A Deputy's Tale of Survival and Integrity
It was a crisp March evening in 1990, and I reluctantly drove to an off-duty training party in my brother's beat-up 1972 yellow Pinto runabout. My own prized Firebird had been stolen, and my supervisor had convinced me to attend the party despite my lack of transportation. Little did I know that this night would become a defining moment in my career as a deputy sheriff. As I cruised down the 605 freeway in the early morning hours, I noticed a Chevy Impala full of what appeared to be four Hispanic gang members eyeing me suspiciously. With their shaved heads, white t-shirts, and visible tattoos, it was clear they were part of a gang. Realizing I was outnumbered and driving a car that could barely hit 100 miles per hour, I tried to change lanes and speed away, but they kept pace with me. Panic set in as I remembered my .38 revolver was tucked away in my duffle bag in the backseat, out of reach. I had to think fast. I slammed on the brakes, hoping to get behind them and exit the freeway, but that's when I saw it – a passenger in the back seat pointing a gun directly at me. Shots rang out, exploding both the driver and passenger windows, sending glass flying everywhere. Adrenaline pumping, I swerved and weaved, trying to get the attention of other vehicles or the Highway Patrol. Blood was everywhere, but I didn't feel any pain. I just knew I had to get off the freeway and to safety. As I exited onto Alondra Blvd., I realized I had been shot in the hand, the bullet tearing through my palm and exploding the tip of my right ring finger. Dazed and bleeding, I pulled into a nearby gas station, desperate to call for help. But the pay phone was useless, and the attendant, seeing my blood-soaked face, locked the door in fear. I fumbled for my badge, the pain in my hand hitting me like a freight train. I wrapped my hand in my T-shirt and waited for help to arrive. The response from my fellow deputies was overwhelming. They rushed me to the hospital, where I was prepped for micro-neural surgery. The media, my commander, and my captain ensured I was okay. But it was my father's reaction that stuck with me the most. A no-nonsense man, he asked me two questions: "Are you okay?" and "Did you do anything to embarrass us this evening?" I assured him I had followed protocol and done everything to keep myself and others safe.
New comment May 14
 The Night I Was Shot: A Deputy's Tale of Survival and Integrity
Knightscope Robot Technology - JDS Security San Diego
New comment May 14
Knightscope Robot Technology - JDS Security San Diego
Chapter 2: The Power of Technology in Construction Security
As a construction project manager, Sarah is always looking for ways to enhance safety and security on her sites. She knows that in today's fast-paced world, relying on traditional security methods is no longer enough. That's why she turns to advanced technologies to help her stay one step ahead of potential threats. With the help of real-time reporting and data analytics tools, Sarah and her security team can monitor the construction site 24/7, tracking the movement of personnel, equipment, and materials. They can quickly identify any unusual activity or potential breaches and take immediate action to address them. But the benefits of technology don't stop there. By leveraging tools like drones and thermal imaging cameras, Sarah can conduct comprehensive site inspections more efficiently and effectively than ever before. This not only saves time and resources but also allows her team to identify potential hazards that might have gone unnoticed otherwise. Sarah's story demonstrates the transformative power of technology in construction security. By embracing innovation and staying at the forefront of industry advancements, construction professionals can build safer, more secure sites that deliver successful projects on time and on budget. 🌐📈🔍 #TechDrivenSecurity #SmartConstruction #ChrisAndersonConsulting
New comment May 14
Chapter 2: The Power of Technology in Construction Security
Chapter 1: The Unsung Heroes of Construction Safety
Chapter 1: The Unsung Heroes of Construction Safety Meet Nekia, a seasoned security professional who has been working in the construction industry for over a decade. Nekia has seen it all, from minor safety violations to major accidents that could have been prevented with proper security measures. She knows that behind every successful construction project, there is a dedicated team of security professionals working tirelessly to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone on site. One day, while conducting a routine inspection, Nekia notices a potential hazard that could put workers at risk. She immediately alerts the project manager and works with the team to implement a solution. Thanks to Nekia's quick thinking and proactive approach, a potentially dangerous situation is averted, and the project continues without incident. Nekia's story is just one example of the critical role that security plays in the construction industry. These unsung heroes work around the clock to identify and mitigate risks, ensuring that everyone goes home safely at the end of the day. So, the next time you pass by a construction site, take a moment to appreciate the hard work and dedication of the security professionals who make it all possible. 🏗️🦺🔒 #ConstructionHeroes #SafetyFirst #ChrisAndersonConsulting
New comment May 14
Chapter 1: The Unsung Heroes of Construction Safety
"Maximizing Productivity: HOA Guide to Client Time Management"
Written By: Chris Anderson When working with HOA (Homeowners Association) property management teams and board members, addressing time management issues and proactive communication becomes even more crucial. These stakeholders are often volunteers who dedicate their time to ensuring the smooth operation and well-being of their community, making it essential for security providers to respect their time and keep them informed. To effectively manage time and communicate with HOA property management teams and board members, start by developing a deep understanding of their specific needs and concerns. Attend board meetings and engage in open discussions to learn about the community's unique challenges, such as parking enforcement, noise complaints, or common area maintenance. By demonstrating your genuine interest in the community's well-being, you'll establish trust and credibility with the board members. Next, create a detailed security plan that addresses the HOA's specific time management requirements. This plan should include regular patrols of common areas, parking enforcement schedules, and timelines for responding to resident complaints. Share this plan with the property management team and board members to ensure everyone is on the same page and to gather their feedback and approval. Once the security plan is in place, ensure your team adheres to the established schedules and deadlines. Regularly update the property management team and board members on your progress, providing them with concise reports that highlight key metrics and achievements. By keeping them informed, you'll demonstrate your commitment to transparency and accountability, which are essential for building a strong partnership. In addition to regular updates, be proactive in communicating any potential issues or concerns that may impact the community. For example, if you notice a pattern of vandalism in a specific area, bring this to the attention of the board members and propose a solution, such as increased patrols or the installation of security cameras. By taking a proactive approach, you'll demonstrate your value as a partner and help the HOA mitigate potential problems before they escalate.
"Maximizing Productivity: HOA Guide to Client Time Management"
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Chris Anderson
120points to level up
Twenty years as a private security owner (15 ) years coaching and mentoring. Cofounder of Silvertrac Software security real-time reporting software.

Active 9d ago
Joined Mar 6, 2024
Seal Beach, CA. 90740
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