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Flying Is My Passion - Take a Ride with Chris Anderson (SIS)
This is a flight from Torrance Airport over Palos Verdes , CA. with my close friend Gilbert Jurado in 2017. I hope you enjoy the view... Chris
New comment May 14
Flying Is My Passion - Take a Ride with Chris Anderson (SIS)
The Night I Was Shot: A Deputy's Tale of Survival and Integrity
It was a crisp March evening in 1990, and I reluctantly drove to an off-duty training party in my brother's beat-up 1972 yellow Pinto runabout. My own prized Firebird had been stolen, and my supervisor had convinced me to attend the party despite my lack of transportation. Little did I know that this night would become a defining moment in my career as a deputy sheriff. As I cruised down the 605 freeway in the early morning hours, I noticed a Chevy Impala full of what appeared to be four Hispanic gang members eyeing me suspiciously. With their shaved heads, white t-shirts, and visible tattoos, it was clear they were part of a gang. Realizing I was outnumbered and driving a car that could barely hit 100 miles per hour, I tried to change lanes and speed away, but they kept pace with me. Panic set in as I remembered my .38 revolver was tucked away in my duffle bag in the backseat, out of reach. I had to think fast. I slammed on the brakes, hoping to get behind them and exit the freeway, but that's when I saw it – a passenger in the back seat pointing a gun directly at me. Shots rang out, exploding both the driver and passenger windows, sending glass flying everywhere. Adrenaline pumping, I swerved and weaved, trying to get the attention of other vehicles or the Highway Patrol. Blood was everywhere, but I didn't feel any pain. I just knew I had to get off the freeway and to safety. As I exited onto Alondra Blvd., I realized I had been shot in the hand, the bullet tearing through my palm and exploding the tip of my right ring finger. Dazed and bleeding, I pulled into a nearby gas station, desperate to call for help. But the pay phone was useless, and the attendant, seeing my blood-soaked face, locked the door in fear. I fumbled for my badge, the pain in my hand hitting me like a freight train. I wrapped my hand in my T-shirt and waited for help to arrive. The response from my fellow deputies was overwhelming. They rushed me to the hospital, where I was prepped for micro-neural surgery. The media, my commander, and my captain ensured I was okay. But it was my father's reaction that stuck with me the most. A no-nonsense man, he asked me two questions: "Are you okay?" and "Did you do anything to embarrass us this evening?" I assured him I had followed protocol and done everything to keep myself and others safe.
New comment May 14
 The Night I Was Shot: A Deputy's Tale of Survival and Integrity
An Account of Chris Anderson’s Transition from Law Enforcement to the Business of Security Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneur Magazine: Chris Anderson’s life’s narrative is one of perseverance, flexibility, and the spirit of entrepreneurship. He was born in the United States on April 21, 1963, and his career path brought him from the halls of law enforcement to the forefront of security and parking management systems. The beginning of Anderson’s career in the security industry was marked by significant hurdles. In 1982, he was a student at Rio Hondo College, where he established the foundation for his future endeavors. Through his journey, he found himself working for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, a position that held a profound personal meaning for him as he carried on a family legacy that was founded on selflessness and commitment. On the other hand, fate had other ideas for Anderson in 1992 when he was confronted with a string of negative personal events. As a result of the tragic plane accident that claimed the life of Anderson’s father and his mother’s ongoing battle with breast cancer, Anderson decided to take a leave of absence from the department in order to provide for his family. While going through this moment of personal upheaval, an unexpected opportunity presented itself to Anderson; it was the chance to join the security business his friend owned. In spite of the unpredictability and difficulties that were yet to come, Anderson accepted this new course of action with a strong sense of determination and resolve. The transition that Anderson made from working in law enforcement to working in private security was not just a change in his profession; it was also a demonstration of his adaptability and willingness to accept new opportunities while remaining true to his dedication to protect and serve. During the latter half of the 1990s, Anderson’s entrepreneurial zeal prompted him to concentrate on the development of one-of-a-kind protocols for tracking vehicles and enforcing parking laws in communities that have apartment buildings and condominiums. The foundation for successful cooperation with law enforcement agencies and contributions to legislation relating to parking enforcement on private land was created by this unique method, which laid the groundwork for those relationships.
An Account of Chris Anderson’s Transition from Law Enforcement to the Business of Security Entrepreneurship
Through Lunch and Learns, Chris Anderson is a Pioneering Leader in the Generation of Leaders
The Vistek Magazine: In the fast-paced and competitive environment of the security sector, where people’s attention spans are short, and competition is severe, Chris Anderson stands out as a pioneer in the field. Anderson, who has more than 25 years of expertise and a strong desire to assist businesses in achieving success, has mastered the art of generating leads through lunch and learn sessions, thereby reinventing the conventional methods of marketing. Anderson began his work in the late 1980s when he founded Silvertrac Software. During this time, he was instrumental in defining parking enforcement systems and procedures. His forward-thinking methods not only handled parking concerns but also addressed ancillary issues such as loitering and vandalism. As a result of this achievement, Anderson was able to collaborate with other law enforcement agencies, which earned him respect as a successful leader in the industry. Beginning in the early 1990s, Anderson expanded his vision by launching Vital Safety Solutions, which was a company that specialized in the distribution of products as well as the marketing of training and consulting services. Significant communities and educational institutions have expressed their admiration for his one-of-a-kind training programs, which were developed based on his experience in law enforcement. social development activities At the present time, Anderson is concentrating his efforts on the development of comprehensive control and enforcement mechanisms for residential communities utilizing Silvertrac USA Incorporated. His passion for excellence is reflected in his commitment to meeting the needs of the community, beginning with the initial evaluation and continuing through enforcement. Through his blog series titled “Using Lunch & Learns to Generate New Leads,” Anderson provides readers with essential insights into the lead generation technique that he has successfully implemented. In the first part of this series, he highlights the advantages of lunch and learn sessions, underlining the success of these sessions in creating meaningful relationships with prospective customers and cutting through the noise that is prevalent in the market.
Through Lunch and Learns, Chris Anderson is a Pioneering Leader in the Generation of Leaders
The Power of Entrepreneurial Diversity: A Journey with Chris Anderson
USA Magazine:: Pioneering variety isn’t simply a popular expression; it’s a major part of a flourishing and imaginative economy. Embracing variety in business venture envelops a scope of variables, including yet not restricted to race, orientation, age, foundation, and mastery. It’s tied in with perceiving that a variety of viewpoints, encounters, and ranges of abilities prompts more imaginative critical thinking, more prominent versatility, and, at last, more fruitful endeavors. At the point when people from various foundations meet up to handle issues or investigate valuable open doors, they carry with them different viewpoints and approaches. This variety of thought frequently prompts more clever fixes and advancement developments that probably won’t have arisen in a homogenous gathering. All things considered, different enterprising biological systems are stronger and versatile to change. In the present quickly developing business scene, the capacity to turn, improve, and embrace groundbreaking thoughts is principal. By consolidating different perspectives and encounters, business visionaries can all the more likely expect market patterns, distinguish arising amazing open doors, and explore difficulties with deftness. Furthermore, embracing diversity in business isn’t simply an ethical goal yet in addition an upper hand. Studies have reliably shown that assorted groups beat their homogeneous partners concerning benefit, efficiency, and dynamic viability. By encouraging a culture of inclusivity and variety, business visionaries can draw in top ability, upgrade worker fulfillment and maintenance, and at last drive business achievement. At the core of our investigation is Chris Anderson, a visionary business person whose excursion epitomizes the worth of variety and flexibility in the enterprising domain. Christopher Terry Anderson, commonly known as Chris Anderson, has cut a distinguished way in the domain of safety and stopping the executives frameworks, making a permanent imprint on the business for almost twenty years. As the pioneer and President of Silvertrac Programming, Anderson has initiated the advancement of state-of-the-art ongoing security official following and episode announcing programming frameworks, reforming the manner in which private security proprietors and administrators defend their premises.
The Power of Entrepreneurial Diversity: A Journey with Chris Anderson
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Security Insider Strategies
" I spent 30 years as a private security operator, coach, mentor, teacher. I cofounded Silvertrac Software. I will be sharing everything with you!
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