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The 80/10/10 Community

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Love Fruit Community

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56 contributions to The 80/10/10 Community
Hosting non raw vegans
Tonight, some friends come over, that are not eating raw, some even not vegan. And I will serve them zucchini wraps (Doug's recipe 😌🙏 thx!), with them also bringing some of the fillings. What do you serve when you host your family/friends?
New comment Aug 7
Hosting non raw vegans
0 likes • Feb 13
@Barbara Whitney yes! It's bilingual :D
0 likes • Aug 7
@Barbara Whitney it's bilingual ;) For US-mail could you please increase the postage to €6 (so €13 total)? I'll gladly send you one ;)
Introduce Yourself! (Start Here - Please Read)
Welcome to The 80/10/10 Community. You are now entering a hidden oasis on the internet for aspiring coaches who want to develop their career as a certified 80/10/10 coach. Here's EXACTLY what to do first: Step 1: Introduce yourself BELOW using this Copy/Paste Template: What's your nickname? Where you from? Biggest strength? Biggest weakness? Which content platform is your favorite? What do you want immediate help with inside of this community? Step 2: Learn how to unlock everything by reading this. ------- Best practices in this community: • Try to level up quickly by commenting and posting your insights in the community. • Hit 'Like' 👍 on every helpful post or comment you see to help others level up. • When you write a post, break up your paragraphs into single sentences like I am doing now - this way more people will read what you write, and actually reply. • Make sure your profile picture is a photo of you. • Be cool. • If you ever get stuck, feel overwhelmed, are not sure what 'next step' to take, just ask the community. ------ Group Rules: 1) No Self Promotion 2) No Selling in the DM's 3) No Spamming the Community Feed
35 members have voted
New comment 2d ago
0 likes • Dec '23
@Tawny Nye some maybe helpful tips on dinner prep 😉
0 likes • Aug 7
@Alpa Agrawal I would highly suggest you come to one of these events: You will get answers to all your just posed questions and quite a number more ;) And besides - you fill find friends, who will help you keep your health commitments.
Other Information Sources
Hi 811 Community, Hi Doug, Which other people or sources of information do you follow and/or find respectable regarding a raw diet? Apart from 811 the book, and this community I personally look at john rose.
New comment Apr 22
0 likes • Apr 21
Counsels on Diets and Foods, Ellen G. White, natural hygiene pioneer She doesn't speak too much about raw, because in her times (end of the 1800s) other things where more important, but her holistic view on health, her promotion of simple meals and the encouragement to eat all the fresh fruits and vegetables you can get without restriction where way ahead of her time!
Mercury Detox
Hello everyone, So I’ve been having some symptoms for the past year (raw vegan for 2 yrs now) which where getting worse for the last month: fuzzy/foggy brain, eyesight going downhill by the day, ringing in my ears, fatigue, some pins and needle filling come and go on my head to name the main ones. Then I started to read some testimonials about people with similar issues and how mercury poisoning form the amalgams in their mouth where the cause. It all made sense as I still had 2 amalgam fillings in my mouth (for 40+ years) plus a crown with metal on it. I also had a blood test 6 weeks ago and there’s some markers that he talks about it in the book that I mention below that coincide with mine. I purchased the book by Dr. Hal Higgins “It’s all in your head, the link between mercury amalgams and illness” and after that I had the amalgams replaced (by a SMART trained dentist) yesterday. My question is, anyone else experienced this? If you did, how was the recovery? I know we’re all different in terms of our health and immune system, but how long it took to see an improvement in the symptoms? Thanks in advance 🙂
New comment Aug 4
0 likes • Apr 14
I wish you a speedy recovery! Even though I thankfully did not have any issues, I had my amalgam fillings removed about 5 years ago...
What do you eat in a day?
Hi everyone, I’m new here and glad to be part of this great community. Would love if you can share what you typically eat in a day. Thanks!
New comment Apr 21
2 likes • Apr 14
two big fruit meals and one meal with a little fruit and a big salad usually different every single day ... I get bored quickly XD And usually, there is allways something in my fruit stash, that's just ripe and therefore determines the next meal :)
1-10 of 56
Raphael Resch
330points to level up
Growing up vegan and following 811rv since 02.2018, I burn to tell others what they are missing ... as certified coach & organizer of the FFF Austria!

Active 9d ago
Joined Nov 14, 2023
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