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131 contributions to The 80/10/10 Community
Ripening bananas
Hi all. Do bananas ripen faster in the sun? Thank you.
New comment 3d ago
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Once harvested, bananas have already had all the sun they require.
Post-menopause and 80-10-10
Please share how post-menopausal women can eat high fruit. Links to successful females helpful
New comment 3d ago
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@KarenSkool Laurvick Could you explain your desire to "build muscle?"
You just never know
I met someone today, but in a really random way. A woman was helping at the competition, unofficially, as she was coaching/supporting some athletes it seemed, so she was helping others too by loading and unloading the bar for everyone during warmups. She didn't look the part, as she definitely had too much body fat to be thrilled about it, but man, she knew what she was doing, that was obvious. She was VERY strong, too, as she handled even the 25Kg (55 pounds) plates as if they were toys. She was gracious and helpful with everyone. She learned my name without ever asking me even once, a good trick I thought. Anyway, after squats, she was there again to help with warmups for bench. And again, she was very focused and aware. After bench, we started warming up, this time for deadlift. I did my first warmups at 70Kg, an easy weight for me. As I left the platform, she said, "We really like deadlift, don't we Douglas." Well indeed deadlift is my favorite, but how did she know? I had to ask her. "What did you see that made you say that," I asked. "You were confident when you approached the bar, and look at you, with those long arms" she replied. The ice broken, we began having a conversation. Turns out she also competes in powerlifting she told me. Still, I didn't peg her for having talent. She then told me she'd been at the World Powerlifting Championships last week, and the won! I was blown away to be engaged in an informal conversation with a world champion. We made friends. I hope I run across her again. I'll make sure I do. She helped me today to have a good experience at the competition. And maybe, you just never know but maybe, I can be a force for good in her life too.
New comment 3d ago
1 like • Jan 28
@Hildegard Dimond Me too! I used to always wear shorts and tee shirt to fly, and I flew a lot before 911, when United's motto was, "fly the friendly skies." Things have sure changed. But I digress. I'd be sitting having a lovely conversation with my neighbor and at some point the fact that I was a doctor would come up. Very often, great surprise was elicited, mostly just because of my clothing, informality, and sometimes, because I just looked fit and healthy. :)
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Every day brings opportunities to be a force for good in the world.
Has Doug Graham given his thoughts on how Dr Brooke Goldner's protocol works?
Dr Brooke Goldner, MD, healed herself of lupus and kidney disease by cutting out all junk (she was vegetarian and consumed lots of cheese) and ate high amounts of flax seeds as well as avocado and dark leafy greens and cruciferous veggies but low fruit. In essence raw vegan, high fat. This has been well over 14 yrs ago and she now guides others to heal of diseases using the same protocol. Low fruit, unlimited avocado, at least 1/2 c flax seed daily, 1# leafy greens, 1# cruciferous veggies, 1 gallon water. I'd say this was high fat. So how is she healthy as well as all the people she had helped heal?
New comment 2d ago
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Gotta love a good conversation...
Do apples have a significant place in your 811 regimen ? Do you eat them often, especially in winter ? It did for me in the beginning of my transition, but I noticed for the last three years that I consume them less and less. To the point that today I cannot imagine making a mono meal of apple, as I find usually myself more hungry at the end of the meal than before, and they provoke almost always some kind of stomach ache. At best it is a little snack nowadays... It's far from being a sub-tropical/tropical fruit, maybe that's the reason ? I only go for good organic ones of course, as it's one of the worst spayed fruit. I've also noticed Doug doesn't mention it once in the week of eating examples of the 801010 book. What is your experience ?
New comment 2d ago
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@Dareios Katsanikakis Preference
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@Poppy Vendelmans Juicing makes more of the sugars of fruit available to the body as compared to chewing, which is just less efficient. I'd say juices are not recommended.
1-10 of 131
Doug Graham
808points to level up
Author of The 80/10/10 Diet

Active 3d ago
Joined Oct 31, 2023
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