I hope no one minds me Journaling here. I've only been raw vegan 80/10/10 for 4 months but since that time made many good life improvements like completing the Level One 80/10/10 Certified Coach Program. Then getting a Dexafit Testing Package and realizing that I needed help getting to a healthier body with more lean muscle and less fat. Then signing up for a 24 hour gym and using Kickoff App (I have free one month Guest Pass for anyone interested you get Zoom call with Certified Personal Trainer and they get you a workout plan and videos that show you how to do exercises anyhow I pay $95 a month for this and it has been well worth it for me) with my Certified Personal Trainer that works with me and I message her often for advice. I'm sure I'm already lower body fat and know I've gained muscle too so definitely moving in the right direction. I also looked in the mirror of my finances realizing I'm a mess financially. What I mean by that is I've been winging finances all of my life without a budget and when I tried one in the past I always gave up in two weeks or less. This time it's been over 2 weeks and I'm using YNAB (You Need a Budget). It may be a couple of months before everything including my numerous debts get fully organized because the learning process and changes will happen along the way but now i can confidently say that i will be a lifetime budgeter realizing the immense value. So I am putting my progress of developing and working on business as 80/10/10 Coach on hold at least until I get finances in order so not sure when will be the right time for that but i trust iĺl know when. Thank you to this community for your support.
What life wins have other community members had since becoming 80/10/10?
With love,