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Skool Community

Public • 149.5k • Paid

The Skool Games

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Ultra Dad Community

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InvestCEO with Kyle Henris

Public • 14.5k • Free

10 contributions to Skool Community
"Struggling with Subscription & Pricing Setup—Has Anyone Cracked the Code
Hey everyone, I'm having trouble managing subscriptions and pricing in Skool. Moving members from free to paid plans when offering the first month free, offering discounts, or changing subscription levels all seem unclear, and the setup instructions with Stripe Express aren’t helping much. Has anyone figured out how to effectively handle these features? I'd love any tips or resources that can clear things up! I must say, the Skool 101 course is a pretty lacking in this area of giving details about how these things work. Thanks in advance!
New comment 12h ago
"Struggling with Subscription & Pricing Setup—Has Anyone Cracked the Code
2 likes • 1d
@Marlon Duranleau It seems you are right! That's disappointing. It seems like Skool is trying to make us pay double the money by having separate paid and free groups for the functionality that should be available in 1 group. I think the ideal structure for my group would be for it to be free with limited course curriculum and limited access to categories, and then a monthly paid option within the group that gives access to additional courses as well as additional community categories and live events. Then I could give value to my free community within the same group and more easily convert them to paid. I am curious, do you think what I am describing would be beneficial for the average creator? Thanks!
Really? No free trials?
So the skool community can offer a 2 week free trial and convert to paid, but we can't offer that in our communities? What gives?
New comment 20h ago
Really? No free trials?
0 likes • 1d
@Brandon Hima oh interesting, can you clarify what you mean? Challenges with school so far seem to be that you can't easily convert people to paid from free without having two different communities. Is this Skool's ploy to get us to pay for two communities?
1 like • 1d
@LuisFer M. elite Glad to hear, it will be nice to be able to manage things more easily. What do you mean about, the only argument to me for convert?
$44,000 in 18 days With Skool—No Paid Traffic or Sales Calls
***UPDATE: the FULL video is live now → Still in the middle of the launch. But wanted to see if there was any interest in seeing how I generated $44K in just 18 days with Skool. It was less work than you may think. The best part is my calendar is clean without any sales calls. I don't know how to run ads so I didn't use them I could talk about: - How I'm generating traffic on TikTok and YouTube into Skool - How I'm using Skool to sell products (without sales calls) And also the tech behind it: - My automated content machine (Airtable, Zapier & Google Drive) - The backend tech with Skool (Zapier & ThriveCart) If you're interested in an A-Z video (or even a webinar) comment "video" below and I'll put it together. PLUS I'll DM you when it's out. If there are enough people I'll do a full webinar. I'll be doing this in my community. Loving Skool!
New comment 1d ago
$44,000 in 18 days With Skool—No Paid Traffic or Sales Calls
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I'll look forward to your video!
The Money's in the Follow-Up: Retargeting Ads
I used to think getting people to click on my ads was the hard part. The real challenge is turning clicks into joins. Here's the truth: Most people who visit your Skool group's About page won't join right away. But that doesn't mean they're not interested. They're just... hesitant. And that's where the magic of retargeting comes in. The Problem: - You're creating content or running ads for your Skool community. - People are clicking through to your About page. - But they're leaving without joining. - You're losing potential members at the final hurdle. The solution? Don't let them go. Follow them. Everywhere. I'm not talking about hiring a creepy stalker (please don't do that). I'm talking about retargeting campaigns. Here's how it works: 1. Set Up a Retargeting Campaign This is like hiring a persistent (but not annoying) salesperson who follows up with every window shopper. Except this salesperson works 24/7 and costs like $20 per 1,000 people reached. 2. Create "Closer Ads" These aren't your regular ads. They're designed to address the specific doubts that stopped people from joining in the first place. 3. Test and Optimize Start by talking to your existing members. What held them back initially? Use that to make your messages. Then, keep testing different angles. 4. Find the Sweet Spot We've found that showing your ads 3-4 times per week (a daily frequency of 1.5) works best. Adjust your daily budget to hit this mark. The beauty of retargeting is that you're not shooting in the dark. These people have already shown interest. They've viewed your about page, or engaged with you on social media. So they just need a little nudge. You're not targeting millions. You're focusing on a small, warm audience who've already visited your About page. Remember: - The money is in the follow-up. - Your About page visitors are your warmest leads. - Retargeting campaigns are often the most profitable. - Start small, but don't be afraid to scale when you see results.
New comment 37m ago
The Money's in the Follow-Up: Retargeting Ads
1 like • 1d
Great advice, and a recurring theme across the board in my businesses, that I haven't been retargeting effectively and leaving a lot of prospects without enough exposure to my offers. Especially through consuming my YouTube content. So I'm getting that resolved right away.
What's that one feature Skool urgently needs?
If you could magically add one feature what would it be?
New comment 10h ago
What's that one feature Skool urgently needs?
2 likes • 1d
In the curriculum, some basic common LMS (learning management system) features would be great. Like the ability to have quizzes for example. For general functionality, ease of managing member subscriptions, like being able to offer discounts or one month free, etc. It's very surprising that managing memberships is so difficult.
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Michael Ismail
41points to level up
I am the founder of Thrive and Grow Gardens, a company dedicated to providing education and support for home gardeners.

Active 24h ago
Joined Apr 18, 2024
Tucson Arizona
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