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11 contributions to Lean Seven
Welcome to Australia.
New comment 9d ago
4 likes • 12d
Wow. The stupidity.
Hello! Can anyone help me with the question of running? Long story short I LOVE running, I’ve ran 7 marathons and lots of other races as well in the past ten years. 3 years ago when my health took a dive due to restrictive dieting with macros (always in a super deficit), I’ve destroyed my metabolic health and gained weight. I havent ran much the past three years, maybe a few hundred miles each year. Is distance running ok? I will also do interval sprints but I just want to strap my shoes on and let my mind wander as I pound pavement for an hour. Yay? Nay? I have just started with the lean7.
New comment 26d ago
3 likes • Aug 20
@Karen Campbell they carb up like crazy!!!!!!! I think that has a big impact on the aging of runners.
2 likes • 27d
@Nureni Muhammad sound advice friend. Thank you!!!!!!!!
Nothing Changes If Nothing Changes
Nothing Changes If Nothing Changes
New comment Aug 20
Nothing Changes If Nothing Changes
1 like • Aug 20
Def why I’m here. I needed a new perspective.
Welcome to Lean Seven, Thank you for joining this awesome community. You're about to embark on an incredible journey. Get ready because we are leaving no stone unturned. Here is your roadmap to get started and guide you towards achieving the best shape of your life. Before commencing, make sure to please read the Lean Seven Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy. STEP 1: Download the Skool App for easier navigation. Access it here for iOS and for Android. STEP 2: Introduce yourself to the group by commenting below this post: • What is your name and where are you from? • What are you excited about achieving? • What is your biggest reason for doing this? STEP 3: Access the Introduction and the entire Lean Seven online program in the Classroom section of this community. STEP 4: After listening to the Introduction, be sure to read That Grocery List. STEP 5: Ready to start training? Find all the Lean Seven workouts here. STEP 6: For more information, feel free to explore all the podcasts and interviews. STEP 7: Don't forget to take your before picture. Let it all hang out and make it a memorable mugshot! Feel free to check out more testimonials here. Enjoy the journey and teachings. Let's get you Healthy, Lean, and Young.
New comment 2d ago
5 likes • Aug 18
Hello Lean7 fam! I’m marie, from north Idaho. I’ve always been an athlete and managed to lose the weight after each of my 5 kids until about 5 years ago. I was putting on weight and decided to try macros with a coach. I did lose the weight and get really thin from severe restriction but that started a whole slew of health problems, and switching to night shift for a couple years added to that storm. First, I started full menopause, became pre diabetic, autoimmune issues popped up and this 25lb weight gain made me just feel gross and like a failure but I could not control binge eating and my metabolism was destroyed! My workouts were negligible, constantly sleep deprived. Etc. fast forward to now… I started hrt about 4 months ago and that has been a game changer for me. Also last year I went to day shift. I have not been able to stay strict carnivore and I would binge junk. So I need help… a slower transition to carnivore (I feel amazing when I’m strict) and just some help rethinking things. No longer is youth going to save me from my bad habits. Goals? Health. And I’d like to shed this extra weight off as well and fit into my clothes again. I’m looking forward to this journey with you all!
6 likes • Aug 18
@Rima Cutrer hi Rima! I’m not too far from ya (kinda), I’m in coeur d’Alene. Welcome to our group!
My A1C has risen since my last test about two years ago. Does high cortisol affect A1C levels?
New comment Aug 18
1 like • Aug 18
Yep it can. How long have u been carnivore? It’s a 3 month representation of blood sugar levels but f u have been. Armoire for longer, ur red blood cells live longer and skews results. Fasting blood sugar would be a better measurement of blood sugar status.
1-10 of 11
Marie Scott
4points to level up
Mom, nurse, athlete, veteran.

Active 4h ago
Joined Aug 11, 2024
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