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SuperHuman Wholesalers

Public β€’ 198 β€’ $97/m

16 contributions to SuperHuman Wholesalers
SVA Verbal Acceptance
Sent out my first contract on an SVA lead today and got a verbal acceptance . Plan to run this as a novation and pitched it using the @Earon Bevans delivery method πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ
New comment 27d ago
1 like β€’ 27d
Wuhu! Congrats brother so far so good! I knew you were gonna be busy with brother @Earon Bevans SVA super team! πŸ’ͺπŸ”₯ if it is a DFW fixer upper deal, send it my way πŸ˜‰ you know how we do it! , let's get it! :]
0 likes β€’ 27d
@Zach Sedino Nice brother !πŸ‘ŒπŸ’ͺπŸ”₯
Superhuman Binder
Seller was steam rolling me during a live call today so I made this binder with all of the community resources listed in it to help me in times of need. Closers Formula on the right and list of Socratic questions and softening statements on the other side. Let's get some. Alone we are AVERAGE but together we are SUPERHUMAN.
New comment May 24
Superhuman Binder
1 like β€’ May 24
You got this brother πŸ’ͺ Every call is like exercising the muscle πŸ’ͺ getting stronger even more stronger on the challenging ones ! I am here to help out you know and if possible catch a good deal for my colleague buyers that makes you/us good mula $ πŸ˜‰πŸ‘πŸ™
Multifamily Calculator
Here's a daily Gem! Stop messing around!!! if you're going to play around with this business, at least play on this darn calculator and get dangerous with offers. See y'all at the top!😁🍰
New comment May 22
1 like β€’ May 17
@Ray Spencer Gracias brother!ay God bless you for all the help you give unconditionally. I will definitely make a difference on my next experience/my next offer on another multy f deal! Habe a Blessed Friday! πŸ™Œ πŸ’ͺπŸ‘
0 likes β€’ May 22
@Ray Spencer I'd love too brother! πŸ‘πŸ’ͺ Let me know!
The creative financing junky
I’m about to start cranking on creative financing commercial properties (multi family, warehouse, and office buildings.) and single family properties. Some of my favorite strategies are high level, so it may not be for everyone, but if you’re interested in learning and seeing more in the group. Drop a πŸ“¦!!!
New comment May 22
1 like β€’ May 20
Nice brother! πŸ‘πŸ’ͺ I'd be more than happy to! I just spoke with the 8 units seller today again, he has not sold and I'd like to give him creative f and cash option/offers :] πŸ“¦πŸ“¦
The Power of Community
Just got off the phone with my brother @Luis Montoya that's in my local market and he is going to walk a property for me tomorrow that I have under contract to tell me where I need to renegotiate terms at. This man has already driven by a lot for me that I was trying to contract and gotten seller info that was on a sign where he could have easily taken the deal from underneath me but because of his standards and those of our community I knew I didn't have to worry about this. We are working on 3 other properties with same seller in hopes that he and his partner can step in as end buyers or can help with dispositions on these. Don't sleep on fellow Superhumans in your local community!! I knew Luis on IG but never fully connected until we were on a group call together. Thanks brother @Luis Montoya for your honesty and integrity and thanks to @Earon Bevans for establishing this community where we can work in cooperation with other like minded and honest individuals
New comment May 18
2 likes β€’ May 18
It is a pleasure to add any value to you hermano , I am here to collaborate on anything I can, we are a DFW team ! πŸ’ͺπŸ”₯ as @Vadim Natekin says there many back stabbing others, going around their deal, talking to the sellers on their back, etc, putting a bad word /rep to the wholesaling community/industry, and we are different!
1-10 of 16
Luis Montoya
15points to level up
Wholesaler/flipper more wholesaler than flipper:] Always adding value and helping! The rest comes automatically. Love mi Familia. God 1stπŸ™

Active 7d ago
Joined Jan 24, 2024
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