The Power of Community
Just got off the phone with my brother that's in my local market and he is going to walk a property for me tomorrow that I have under contract to tell me where I need to renegotiate terms at. This man has already driven by a lot for me that I was trying to contract and gotten seller info that was on a sign where he could have easily taken the deal from underneath me but because of his standards and those of our community I knew I didn't have to worry about this.
We are working on 3 other properties with same seller in hopes that he and his partner can step in as end buyers or can help with dispositions on these.
Don't sleep on fellow Superhumans in your local community!! I knew Luis on IG but never fully connected until we were on a group call together. Thanks brother for your honesty and integrity and thanks to for establishing this community where we can work in cooperation with other like minded and honest individuals
Zach Sedino
The Power of Community
SuperHuman Wholesalers
We exist as a community to help each individual achieve their highest potential in business and life. Alone we're average, Together we're SuperHuman.
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