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Habit Masters

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The ULTIMATE self-development community for likeminded individuals. Break your bad habits, build great routines and FINALLY fulfil your potential!

Habit School

Private • 1 • $13/m


Adonis Gang

Private • 132.8k • $1/m

Synthesizer School

Public • 9.4k • Free

The 10k Club

Private • 9.6k • Free

Fayefilms Academy

Private • 22.8k • Free


Private • 45.5k • Free

Movementgems Elite

Private • 13.5k • $14/m

Leon Edwards Crew

Private • 2.2k • Free

Detox University

Private • 1.9k • Free

9D Breath Community

Private • 4.8k • Free

27 contributions to Synthesizer School
How To Improve Your Life by 3700% in Just One Year (EASILY!)
If you’re like 99% of people, your life probably sounds like this (mine did): Wait for a new week, month or year to roll around. Tell yourself you’re FINALLY going to ‘sort your life out’. Set yourself some exciting new goals. You get super motivated and start some new diet, workout plan or lifestyle change so you can hit your new goal(s). This goes well for a while. Until it doesn’t… After some time-maybe a few weeks (if you’re lucky), your initial motivation dies down and you then find yourself right back at square one where you started. “Well, I guess I’ll wait for next week/month/year again…” AAAND REPEAT! This is a pretty common cycle in self development- I was guilty of it too, so don’t feel bad. BUT… there is a different way to approach self development so that you can ACTUALLY achieve your goals and make lasting change. Spoiler alert: It’s really not that hard either. ——————————— THE METHOD: You’re probably thinking the 3700% in the title is just clickbait. But it’s actually true. This is what happens after one year if you improve at something by just 1% every single day. You get 37 times better after a year. THIRTY SEVEN. So how do you do this? To improve 1% every day, all you need to do is develop simple habits that align with the goals you have set. Seems easy, right? So why do we constantly set ourselves goals, fail to plan how we are going to get there, and then become disappointed when we fall short? ——————————— HOW TO REACH ANY GOAL: You can apply the 1% better method to any goal by breaking the goal down into habits. This will ensure that you make progress over time. EXAMPLE 1: Goal: ‘Grow my business to 5k revenue per month.’ This goal seems large when you look at it initially, but if you break it down into daily goals it becomes SO much less daunting. Daily Habit: Send a least 10 outreach messages a day to potential clients. Daily Habit: Post on social media once per day. Weekly Habit: Write and send 2 emails a week to my email list.
New comment 3d ago
Doing this ONE thing could be the difference between you failing or succeeding
Becoming disciplined will be the number 1 deciding factor for whether you become the person you want to become, or not. Without discipline, everything else breaks down, and you will stay exactly where you are- or worse, go backwards. When it comes to staying disciplined in your life, there aren’t many people telling you exactly HOW to do it. Don’t get me wrong, there are an endless supply of online influencers telling you to ‘stay hard’ or to ‘just do it’. But these are just words. Words that work FOR THEM. Take David Goggins for example, I think the work he does is unbelievable and he’s clearly helped people. But it’s easier for David Goggins to ‘stay hard’ than it is your average individual- he was a Navy SEAL! The key is to find what works for you- as not everyone has what it takes to be a Navy SEAL. If you tell others to do EXACTLY what you do when they’re wired up completely differently to you, it’s just not going to work out. You have to find what makes YOU tick, what keep will keep YOU disciplined. Is it wanting to have a great body for your partner? Is it to eventually retire your parents, to repay them? Is it for you? To improve your self esteem and confidence? Don’t know? Try this method: ——————————- 💢 GETTING CLEAR ON PAIN POINTS: One exercise that I have found has worked well when it comes to keeping people disciplined is for them to become CRYSTAL CLEAR on their pain points. More specifically- what will happen if you continue to be ill disciplined? When doing this, there are 3 effects you must consider: - Immediate effects. - Knock on effects. - Hidden/long term effects. HOW TO DO THE EXERCISE: (Use the picture attached to help) 1. Pick an example of when you display ill discipline. (e.g. Getting distracted whilst working, snacking, skipping workouts) 2. Write down the IMMEDIATE effects of this. How does it make you feel immediately? How does this effect what you’re doing? 3. Write down the KNOCK-ON effects of this.  What does doing this cause to happen? What are the consequences if this keeps happening? 4. Write down the HIDDEN/LONG TERM effects of this. What effect will this have on you over time AND the people you care about? How will this effect your goals/aspirations? What could be an effect on your mental/physical health?
Want to change your life for the better? START HERE 📍
“I want to improve my life but I’m not sure where to start…” This is something that I hear time and time again when people start their self development journey, so I thought I would address it. I had this same dilemma when I started my journey also. The key thing to do at this point when starting out is to build a solid FOUNDATION that will allow you to improve all areas of your life. The reason for this is you don’t want to run before you can walk- as you will ALWAYS find yourself back at square one. For example, why would you start trying to build a business if your sleep pattern is horrendous and you struggle with procrastination? Or why would you try to get ripped in the gym if you have bad eating habits and struggle to find any energy? These things are like trying to swim in the ocean with a weight strapped to you- you might be able to tread water for a while but eventually these things will ALWAYS pull you down! That is EXACTLY the reason I suggest working to build a solid foundation first in your self development journey. So how do you do this? ———————— 🧱 HOW TO BUILD YOUR FOUNDATION: To get started with building a solid foundation, you’ll need to focus on 3 elements: - Morning routine. - Evening routine. - Daily habits. The purpose for focusing on these things is that you can use them to your advantage to ensure that you are: - Getting enough sleep regularly. - Feeling energised so that your body and mind can be at their best. - Always progressing every day (even if only a little). - Building discipline and consistency which will have a knock on effect in every area of your life. ———————— 🌅 CRAFTING YOUR MORNING ROUTINE: Building a morning routine is absolutely KEY to getting a solid foundation in your life. It will allow you to start every day consistently and leave nothing up to chance. No more hoping that you wake up ‘feeling good’. You will take every day by the balls and regulate your energy, mood and focus levels.
New comment 7d ago
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@Anthonyi Howell Arguably the most important for me is the need to have good quality sleep- it influences all other areas of your life positively.
The 7 Ingredients to Success (How Many Do YOU Have?)
Here are what I believe to be the 7 essential pillars of success and self improvement. When all these 7 pillars are present in your life simultaneously- the progress you will make can be scary! Try to make a conscious effort to get all 7 into your day in some amount, you won’t regret it. ————————— Pillar #1: DAILY MOVEMENT No matter how big or small, the benefits of some form of daily movement really shouldn’t be understated. The positive effects on your mental health alone are astounding. Moving daily will keep you focused, alert, motivated, happy and will allow you to sleep better. Keeping your mind and body in peak form is one of the most important foundations when trying to self improve. It doesn’t have to be a marathon or getting a bench press PB every day. Just be consistent. Aim for a minimum of 10,000 steps and then at least 30 minutes of more intense exercise. A gym session, a run, tennis, football- make it what you want and remember to MIX IT UP. Variation is best. ————————— Pillar #2: SLEEP Perhaps the most important on the list for me, yet often forgotten about. It has become encouraged in recent years to “grind” instead of sleeping, but this way of thinking is more damaging than you could possibly imagine. You should view sleep as the absolute foundation that allows all areas of your life to thrive. Without proper sleep, you may be able to ‘wing it’ for a bit. But it will ALWAYS catch up with you in some way, shape or form. Aim for 7-8 hours MINIMUM. Ditch your phone 1 hour before sleep, pick up a book and read instead. Trust me on this, if you get 7-8 hours every night for a fortnight- you will feel like a different person! Your focus increases. Your energy increases. Your mood gets better. Your LIFE gets better! Make this priority number 1. ————————— Pillar #3: HEALTHY HABITS/ROUTINES Think of these as the daily actions you take to get where you want to be. If your daily habits don’t align with your goals, then it is going to be very hard to progress to where you want to get.
New comment 11d ago
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@Alexander Korf Wow I completely agree Alexander! Excellent insight- thanks for commenting.
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@Alexander Korf You're welcome too, I’m glad you thought so friend!
25 Free Ways to Get The Absolute MOST out of your life (And Have No Regrets)
Life on this world is precious, and short-lived. I don’t want to sound morbid, but that’s the truth. The ONLY thing we can do whilst we’re here is make the most of our opportunities and live a life without regrets. You don’t want to be on your deathbed wishing you had done things a little differently. Here are 25 things you can do to ensure that doesn’t happen: 1. Never be too proud or ashamed to ask for help. Proud people fall behind. 2. Don’t rush to do what everyone else around you is going. 3. Follow your heart, even if it surprises people. 4. Take advice from people who have been there and done it themselves. 5. Always work on something on the side from your job or school. 6. Realise that it’s not about the journey OR the destination, it’s about who you become on the journey. 7. Show gratitude regularly to those around you who help you and who you care about. 8. Always help those who are a few steps behind you, if you can. 9. When you’re doing something, go ALL IN on it. Don’t half ass things. 10. Do something every single day to care for your mind and body. They are your BEST assets. 11. Realise that the only belief you need in life is that from yourself. 12. Unapologetically be yourself. Even if others make fun of it. 13. Be nice to others, until they give you a reason not to be. 14. Always work towards something, no matter how small it may be. 15. Recognise what distracts you from your goals, separate yourself from these things. 16. Be proud of yourself and celebrate small wins. 17. Be kind to yourself. You only make progress in life by feeling GOOD. 18. Don’t tell everyone about your plans before you have acted. Let the results will do the talking. 19. Give good sleep a high priority. It will change your life. 20. Invest in yourself before investing in material things. 21. Don’t feel sorry for yourself. There is someone who would kill to be in your position. 22. Learn to live in the moment and appreciate everything. You will blink and be 80 wishing you had this time back. 23. Spend at least 30 minutes out in nature a day, uninhibited by technology. 24. Take notes of all the good advice you hear. 25. Combine what you love doing with what the world needs. You’ll never ‘work’ a day in your life.
New comment 11d ago
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@Alexander Korf That's brilliant. You have to make mistakes to progress.
0 likes • 11d
@Sebastian Holle Thanks man. You’re certainly right there!
1-10 of 27
Louie Humble
66points to level up
Changing peoples lives for FREE in my community Habit Masters. Join for free today before it becomes paid in May!

Active 2h ago
Joined Jan 31, 2024
Manchester, UK
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