Louie Humble
How To Improve Your Life by 3700% in Just One Year (EASILY!)
How To Improve Your Life by 3700% in Just One Year (EASILY!)
If you’re like 99% of people, your life probably sounds like this (mine did):
Wait for a new week, month or year to roll around.
Tell yourself you’re FINALLY going to ‘sort your life out’.
Set yourself some exciting new goals.
You get super motivated and start some new diet, workout plan or lifestyle change so you can hit your new goal(s).
This goes well for a while. Until it doesn’t…
After some time-maybe a few weeks (if you’re lucky), your initial motivation dies down and you then find yourself right back at square one where you started.
“Well, I guess I’ll wait for next week/month/year again…”
This is a pretty common cycle in self development- I was guilty of it too, so don’t feel bad.
BUT… there is a different way to approach self development so that you can ACTUALLY achieve your goals and make lasting change.
Spoiler alert: It’s really not that hard either.
You’re probably thinking the 3700% in the title is just clickbait.
But it’s actually true.
This is what happens after one year if you improve at something by just 1% every single day.
You get 37 times better after a year.
So how do you do this?
To improve 1% every day, all you need to do is develop simple habits that align with the goals you have set.
Seems easy, right?
So why do we constantly set ourselves goals, fail to plan how we are going to get there, and then become disappointed when we fall short?
You can apply the 1% better method to any goal by breaking the goal down into habits.
This will ensure that you make progress over time.
Goal: ‘Grow my business to 5k revenue per month.’
This goal seems large when you look at it initially, but if you break it down into daily goals it becomes SO much less daunting.
Daily Habit: Send a least 10 outreach messages a day to potential clients.
Daily Habit: Post on social media once per day.
Weekly Habit: Write and send 2 emails a week to my email list.
Can you imagine the impact on your business after ONE YEAR if you did these habits without fail every day/week?
Goal: ‘Lose 20kg by the end of the year.’
This goal is great as there are many different habits and combinations you could use to lose weight- depending on your preferences.
Daily Habit: Go for a 30 minute walk after dinner every day.
Daily Habit: Drink a glass of water after each meal to prolong fullness.
Weekly Habit: Have 5 home cooked meals every week. Leaving takeaways just for the weekend.
These habits may seem small, but depending on your health and ability, they are still taking you in the right direction every day/week!
Try breaking down your own goals into daily/weekly habits that you can do.
  • Make the habits things that are going to take you closer to your goal, but also EASY enough to do that they won’t take too much mental/physical effort, as you will abandon them. They need to be EASY to do every day.
  • Make effort to integrate the habits into your daily routine or else you won’t do them. Find ‘ANCHORS’ in your day where that you can attach them to (an anchor is something we already do every day- brushing teeth, getting out of bed, making breakfast etc.) E.g. ‘After I eat my breakfast I will send 10 outreach messages’.
  • Track your habits in an app/journal. The satisfaction of ticking them off at the end of the day will help you strive to get them done.
  • Get your friend to do the habits with you to provide accountability- you can change your lives together.
  • Invest in tools/resources that make the habits EASIER. E.g. new running trainers for running, laptop to do marketing on for outreach, water bottle for drinking every day.
  • Recognise which habits you do NOW take you further from your goals. E.g. trying to lose weight but always end up having a cookie at 8pm every night? Replace this habit with one that gets you to your goal- replace all the cookies in your house for rice cakes. A years worth of cookies is a hell of a lot more calories than a years worth of rice cakes!
I hope you enjoyed this guide and can implement these ideas to improve your own lives.
The source for some of the data/information was Atomic Habits by James Clear.
Comment to let me know if you enjoyed this post, and let me know how you’re gonna use this guide!
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