Louie Humble
25 Free Ways to Get The Absolute MOST out of your life (And Have No Regrets)
25 Free Ways to Get The Absolute MOST out of your life (And Have No Regrets)
Life on this world is precious, and short-lived.
I don’t want to sound morbid, but that’s the truth.
The ONLY thing we can do whilst we’re here is make the most of our opportunities and live a life without regrets.
You don’t want to be on your deathbed wishing you had done things a little differently.
Here are 25 things you can do to ensure that doesn’t happen:
  1. Never be too proud or ashamed to ask for help. Proud people fall behind.
  2. Don’t rush to do what everyone else around you is going.
  3. Follow your heart, even if it surprises people.
  4. Take advice from people who have been there and done it themselves.
  5. Always work on something on the side from your job or school.
  6. Realise that it’s not about the journey OR the destination, it’s about who you become on the journey.
  7. Show gratitude regularly to those around you who help you and who you care about.
  8. Always help those who are a few steps behind you, if you can.
  9. When you’re doing something, go ALL IN on it. Don’t half ass things.
  10. Do something every single day to care for your mind and body. They are your BEST assets.
  11. Realise that the only belief you need in life is that from yourself.
  12. Unapologetically be yourself. Even if others make fun of it.
  13. Be nice to others, until they give you a reason not to be.
  14. Always work towards something, no matter how small it may be.
  15. Recognise what distracts you from your goals, separate yourself from these things.
  16. Be proud of yourself and celebrate small wins.
  17. Be kind to yourself. You only make progress in life by feeling GOOD.
  18. Don’t tell everyone about your plans before you have acted. Let the results will do the talking.
  19. Give good sleep a high priority. It will change your life.
  20. Invest in yourself before investing in material things.
  21. Don’t feel sorry for yourself. There is someone who would kill to be in your position.
  22. Learn to live in the moment and appreciate everything. You will blink and be 80 wishing you had this time back.
  23. Spend at least 30 minutes out in nature a day, uninhibited by technology.
  24. Take notes of all the good advice you hear.
  25. Combine what you love doing with what the world needs. You’ll never ‘work’ a day in your life.
Your life is yours to live, no one else’s
Good luck to everyone out there on their self-improvement journey.
What else would you add to the list?
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