Louie Humble
The 7 Ingredients to Success (How Many Do YOU Have?)
The 7 Ingredients to Success (How Many Do YOU Have?)
Here are what I believe to be the 7 essential pillars of success and self improvement.
When all these 7 pillars are present in your life simultaneously- the progress you will make can be scary!
Try to make a conscious effort to get all 7 into your day in some amount, you won’t regret it.
No matter how big or small, the benefits of some form of daily movement really shouldn’t be understated.
The positive effects on your mental health alone are astounding.
Moving daily will keep you focused, alert, motivated, happy and will allow you to sleep better.
Keeping your mind and body in peak form is one of the most important foundations when trying to self improve.
It doesn’t have to be a marathon or getting a bench press PB every day.
Just be consistent.
Aim for a minimum of 10,000 steps and then at least 30 minutes of more intense exercise.
A gym session, a run, tennis, football- make it what you want and remember to MIX IT UP.
Variation is best.
Pillar #2: SLEEP
Perhaps the most important on the list for me, yet often forgotten about.
It has become encouraged in recent years to “grind” instead of sleeping, but this way of thinking is more damaging than you could possibly imagine.
You should view sleep as the absolute foundation that allows all areas of your life to thrive.
Without proper sleep, you may be able to ‘wing it’ for a bit.
But it will ALWAYS catch up with you in some way, shape or form.
Aim for 7-8 hours MINIMUM.
Ditch your phone 1 hour before sleep, pick up a book and read instead.
Trust me on this, if you get 7-8 hours every night for a fortnight- you will feel like a different person!
Your focus increases. Your energy increases. Your mood gets better. Your LIFE gets better!
Make this priority number 1.
Think of these as the daily actions you take to get where you want to be.
If your daily habits don’t align with your goals, then it is going to be very hard to progress to where you want to get.
Try to develop habits and routines that takes you a little bit closer to your goal every day and keeps momentum up- no matter how small the progress is.
On the flip side, avoid habits that take you further away from where you want to be.
Picturing yourself being a ripped, sociable, entrepreneur in a few years down the line?
Skipping the gym, avoiding interaction and deep work isn’t going to get you there.
Consistent gym sessions, socialising and work on your business are the habits that will do it!
Pillar #4: CLEAR GOALS
Without clear goals and direction, it’s easy to feel like you’re stuck in a rut and not making progression towards anything.
If you’re feeling lost, a good start is to think of what you are really passionate about, and set yourself an objective in this field that you can work towards in a certain time frame.
From here, you can break this goal down into actionable steps that you can do every month/week/day to get closer to achieving it.
Keep reviewing your goals every week to check that you’re heading in the right direction.
Come up with easy ‘non-negotiable’ daily goals that take you that little bit closer to your goal.
10,000 steps. Send 1 email. Cold approach one girl.
That sort of thing.
Your progress over a year will be incredible.
Perhaps the most important fundamental on the list in terms of self-development.
Consistency is what will take you towards your goals, NOT acting on random bursts of motivation.
Abandon the “all or nothing” attitude and stop writing off whole days or weeks and telling yourself you’ll “start again on monday”.
If you’re really unmotivated one day, just do a watered down version of what you were planning on doing- e.g.
Too tired for your gym workout? Do a smaller home workout instead, and get right back on track the next day.
At least you are still making some small progress instead of abandoning everything.
Over time, this will be the difference between ‘making it’ and failing.
Pillar #6: GRATITUDE
Incorporate this into your daily routine and watch how your mental space improves.
Starting your day off with 5-10 minutes of thinking in detail (and possibly writing down) what you are grateful for in your life is an excellent way to start any day off.
This will improve your headspace and increase the chances of you staying on track.
You will move into having an ‘abundance’ mindset where you will start to attract more of the things you want into your life.
Opportunities will start to come your way as you are in the right frame of mind to be on the lookout for them!
Contrary to what many “gurus” will tell you, “grinding” 24/7 is not good for you and not sustainable.
Your mind and body need to unwind in order for you to keep your energy and motivation levels up and stay on track.
As a rule of thumb, you could be in maximum mode during the week, and then on a weekend just do a stripped back version of what you do in the week to keep you ticking over- and do something you enjoy.
Without adequate rest, it is a recipe for disaster.
Play those video games. Hang out with those friends. Watch that YouTube video.
Just do it at the right TIMES.
Dedicate time to work and time to rest, and stick to this.
As long as you always do SOMETHING productive in a day, you’ll always be moving in the right direction.
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