Louie Humble
Doing this ONE thing could be the difference between you failing or succeeding
Doing this ONE thing could be the difference between you failing or succeeding
Becoming disciplined will be the number 1 deciding factor for whether you become the person you want to become, or not.
Without discipline, everything else breaks down, and you will stay exactly where you are- or worse, go backwards.
When it comes to staying disciplined in your life, there aren’t many people telling you exactly HOW to do it.
Don’t get me wrong, there are an endless supply of online influencers telling you to ‘stay hard’ or to ‘just do it’.
But these are just words. Words that work FOR THEM.
Take David Goggins for example, I think the work he does is unbelievable and he’s clearly helped people.
But it’s easier for David Goggins to ‘stay hard’ than it is your average individual- he was a Navy SEAL!
The key is to find what works for you- as not everyone has what it takes to be a Navy SEAL.
If you tell others to do EXACTLY what you do when they’re wired up completely differently to you, it’s just not going to work out.
You have to find what makes YOU tick, what keep will keep YOU disciplined.
Is it wanting to have a great body for your partner?
Is it to eventually retire your parents, to repay them?
Is it for you? To improve your self esteem and confidence?
Don’t know? Try this method:
One exercise that I have found has worked well when it comes to keeping people disciplined is for them to become CRYSTAL CLEAR on their pain points.
More specifically- what will happen if you continue to be ill disciplined?
When doing this, there are 3 effects you must consider:
  • Immediate effects.
  • Knock on effects.
  • Hidden/long term effects.
(Use the picture attached to help)
  1. Pick an example of when you display ill discipline. (e.g. Getting distracted whilst working, snacking, skipping workouts)
  2. Write down the IMMEDIATE effects of this. How does it make you feel immediately? How does this effect what you’re doing?
  3. Write down the KNOCK-ON effects of this.  What does doing this cause to happen? What are the consequences if this keeps happening?
  4. Write down the HIDDEN/LONG TERM effects of this. What effect will this have on you over time AND the people you care about? How will this effect your goals/aspirations? What could be an effect on your mental/physical health?
Keep these answers in your phone or on some paper where you can see it often.
These answers will serve as a constant reminder of the consequences of your ill discipline.
A good tip with this exercise is to be as BRUTAL as you can with your answers. You want to write things down that you NEVER want to come true!
Seeing how things could play out if you don’t change your ways may just provide that extra spark you need to stay on course with your goals.
Try this exercise for 5 minutes and reap the rewards!
Let me know if this helped you.
What are some things you’d like to become more disciplined with?
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