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Nomad School

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13 contributions to Nomad School
My 4-Hour Workday
So, I've been thinking it'd be cool to hear about your typical daily routine. You know, how you balance work and life as digital nomads. I'll kick things off with mine. I'm usually up around 10am or 11am. I go to bed around 2am or 3am and try to get 8 hours sleep a night. I take about an hour to properly wake up, then head to a coffee shop or the office for a couple hours of work. I actually quit coffee 6 months ago, but I've recently started having a green tea in the morning to ease into things. This is my most productive time, so I always tackle the important stuff first. Around 1pm or 2pm, I head home for breakfast. I've found skipping breakfast until after my first work session really helps me focus. Next up is swimming and I do about 20 lengths then lay in the sun for 20 minutes to get my Essex tan 😁 and vitamin D. Then I chill for an hour or two before another work session, either at home, a coffee shop, or back at the office. Evenings are for relaxing. Lately, I've been loving the Thai steam room (the shit is amazing) or taking walks around Chiang Mai's old city. Both take about an hour and are great for unwinding. I'm not big on strict schedules, but I've found having a loose sequence works well for me: Work Exercise Work Relax Exercise Relax Sleep Keeps things simple and I don't feel rushed. All in all, I end up working about 3-4 hours a day. Sometimes less, sometimes more. I do use the Pomodoro technique so any work I do is 100% focused. I don't really do weekends off - I just keep this rhythm going every day and take days off randomly. It's a good pace for me - any more and I risk burnout. So that's my routine! What about you guys? How do you structure your days? Would love to hear your takes on work-life balance as nomads. Share your typical day - could be cool for everyone to see how we all do things differently.
New comment 23h ago
My 4-Hour Workday
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I dream to have days like this. I work 7:30-6 Monday through Friday.
Nomad School Question
New to this and enjoying the posts. I would like to learn more about unlocking some of the courses so I can become a DM. Where do you recommend starting? TIA
New comment 2d ago
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Also the more you comment and people like your comments, it unlocks more of the videos!!
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@Sherry Kotvis you’re welcome!!!
Stuck in an American rut
Good morning from Texas, still in Texas. Have found myself in a rut of self doubt, and self realization, where I’m battling myself if I can even make this move to Thailand happen, am I just dreaming? I have moments where I feel like Yes, this is going to happen and I’m so positive, then I have moments where I fell like I’m just wasting my time, and spinning my wheels. Some days I am positive and pump myself up about it, other days I feel like an idiot. My husband is retired. He had to retire early due to an injury to his back. Still trying to get him on some sort of disability payments here in the states. I do work full-time however, my job although it can be done online, my company refuses to allow anyone to work remotely. So what option does that leave me? I’ve gone back to school to finish my bachelors degree, BS in applied science with a concentration in business administration, I graduate this December. So I could teach English, work in hospitality as a human resource manager, but with no hospitality experience, that could be difficult, or I can learn a new skill and work remotely, which sounds most appealing to me, but what skill do I learn, I need some guidance, I keep making this more complicated than it should be, which in turn delays us even more from being able to move to Thailand.
New comment 3h ago
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@Rupert Brown I will keep you updated..
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@Ross Walker thank you for the encouragement, I’m feeling more confident already!!! So happy that I found Brett on YouTube and then became part of this group! There is never anyone being negative or hurtful? So that is amazing to see just how many folks out there are amazing, kind souls!!!!
Who to teach online? The lowdown (if you're into teaching online!)
My diary is full, and I am now well on the way to being free, the shackles are off and collecting dust, yet I still have 3 months of contractual commitment at the University. Still I am able to fit all enquiries into my schedule, the wife says to rest, I say I will take as many as I can! We know some students will drop off as they achieve their goals (IELTS), and more will join. I have 11 paying students, 4 middle school, 1 business woman, and the rest are university students all wanting to apply for higher education in the west. From a financial point of view, IELT teaching and preparation, IELTS stands for international English language testing system, is where the good hourly rate is. My wife made a couple of calls to local training centres to compare prices, they charge anywhere from 350 RMB to 600 RMB, some charge 900 RMB for a crash course (300 rmb= £32=$41). When I started I was charging 150rmb per hour, offering discounts to get the students on board, now I charge 280RMB an hour, and they do not blink to pay that! The middle school kids are also a good earner if you group them in groups of 4 or 5, where I charge 125 per student per hour. I will give up the middle school and focus on IELTS, and either my hourly rate will go up, or my teaching hour is reduce to 45-50 minutes........ There is plenty of students needing IELTS.........
New comment 6d ago
Who to teach online? The lowdown (if you're into teaching online!)
2 likes • 6d
@Clive Kingshott thank you so much for your advice, I’ve been checking out the companies and platforms you shared about for the past two hours. I feel like I am not so overwhelmed now, and have a bit of direction. 💕
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@Clive Kingshott I haven’t even considered consultancy, thank you so much for sharing!!
For those who don't know where to, or how to start earning money online.
As a group of individuals that all seek a similar outcome, location independence and income from online sources, I thought I would update what I have posted before, in terms of my area of speciality "teaching English as a foreign language." There remains a huge demand for this around the world, and there are still many vacancies out there fro those who want to look at this industry as a means to find a way of moving forward geographically and financially. In the era of digitalisation, teaching English online has emerged as a popular and lucrative career option. This is especially true for digital nomads who are interested in creating an online income while enjoying the freedom to travel and work from anywhere. Here, we'll explore the top 10 countries actively advertising for online English teachers and a variety of companies that cater to different qualification levels. "Top 10 Countries Actively Advertising for Online English Teachers." Along with the most popular platforms used for online teaching/learning, and platforms students use to find teachers (download and get prepared, and maybe register with the platforms used by students?) 1. China (WeChat, iCourse and Xuetang)(Students seek teachers on, Weibo, Zhihu, Baidu, WeChat) 2. Japan (Engoo)(students seek teachers on, English Everywhere, S-Lessons, Cena English, Cafe Talk, Best teacher, Lingo.) 3. South Korea (Nil English, Tutoring Go)(Students seek teachers on, Nil English, Tutoring go, English Hunt, Cafe talk, Zik talk.) 4. Vietnam (Facebook, Zalo, Fresh Learn and Udemy)(Students seek teachers on, Preply, Hey Tutor, University Tutor, ESL Dream Job, Tutoroo) 5. Taiwan (Facebook,, instagram, Udemy and Fresh Learn)(Students seek teachers on, Teacher on, Cafe talk, Tutoroo) 6. Russia (Coursera, Geekbrains, VK Vkontakte, Telegram)(Students search for teachers on Preply, Live X, TeacherOn) 7. United Arab Emirates (WhatsApp, FaceBook, My private tutor, concept tutors)
New comment 6d ago
For those who don't know where to, or how to start earning money online.
1 like • 6d
This was absolute gold to me today, I’m looking for a way out, and teaching English has always been the top of my list, I am really interested in teaching online, and actually would like to get started doing that part time while I’m still here in the states, so that when we move I am already bringing in an income! Thank you soooo much for sharing this, I posted today about being in a rut, and making things way more complicated, this post helps me so much!!!
1-10 of 13
Lacy Sims
18points to level up
Currently I am a Warranty Manager, finishing my final semester at University. I have a passion for nature, fishing, crystals and rockhounding.

Active 1h ago
Joined Mar 12, 2023
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