3d ago (edited) in Lifestyle
My 4-Hour Workday
So, I've been thinking it'd be cool to hear about your typical daily routine.
You know, how you balance work and life as digital nomads.
I'll kick things off with mine.
I'm usually up around 10am or 11am.
I go to bed around 2am or 3am and try to get 8 hours sleep a night.
I take about an hour to properly wake up, then head to a coffee shop or the office for a couple hours of work.
I actually quit coffee 6 months ago, but I've recently started having a green tea in the morning to ease into things.
This is my most productive time, so I always tackle the important stuff first.
Around 1pm or 2pm, I head home for breakfast.
I've found skipping breakfast until after my first work session really helps me focus.
Next up is swimming and I do about 20 lengths then lay in the sun for 20 minutes to get my Essex tan 😁 and vitamin D.
Then I chill for an hour or two before another work session, either at home, a coffee shop, or back at the office.
Evenings are for relaxing.
Lately, I've been loving the Thai steam room (the shit is amazing) or taking walks around Chiang Mai's old city.
Both take about an hour and are great for unwinding.
I'm not big on strict schedules, but I've found having a loose sequence works well for me:
Keeps things simple and I don't feel rushed.
All in all, I end up working about 3-4 hours a day.
Sometimes less, sometimes more.
I do use the Pomodoro technique so any work I do is 100% focused.
I don't really do weekends off - I just keep this rhythm going every day and take days off randomly.
It's a good pace for me - any more and I risk burnout.
So that's my routine!
What about you guys?
How do you structure your days?
Would love to hear your takes on work-life balance as nomads.
Share your typical day - could be cool for everyone to see how we all do things differently.
Brett Dev
My 4-Hour Workday
Nomad School
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