Stuck in an American rut
Good morning from Texas, still in Texas. Have found myself in a rut of self doubt, and self realization, where I’m battling myself if I can even make this move to Thailand happen, am I just dreaming? I have moments where I feel like Yes, this is going to happen and I’m so positive, then I have moments where I fell like I’m just wasting my time, and spinning my wheels. Some days I am positive and pump myself up about it, other days I feel like an idiot. My husband is retired. He had to retire early due to an injury to his back. Still trying to get him on some sort of disability payments here in the states. I do work full-time however, my job although it can be done online, my company refuses to allow anyone to work remotely. So what option does that leave me? I’ve gone back to school to finish my bachelors degree, BS in applied science with a concentration in business administration, I graduate this December. So I could teach English, work in hospitality as a human resource manager, but with no hospitality experience, that could be difficult, or I can learn a new skill and work remotely, which sounds most appealing to me, but what skill do I learn, I need some guidance, I keep making this more complicated than it should be, which in turn delays us even more from being able to move to Thailand.
Lacy Sims
Stuck in an American rut
Nomad School
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