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118 contributions to Selling Online / Prime Mover
[Emotional Release Techniques] Gratitude 🙏
Did you know that showing gratitude can actually change your brain 🧠? Here are some pretty amazing facts about gratitude: - Releasing neurotransmitters - dopamine and serotonin the "feel good" chemicals are released when we express gratitude. And if you have a habit of being grateful, you can improve your longterm mood over time. - Activating the prefrontal cortex - this part of the brain controls decision making and emotional regulation! When you express gratitude it helps you develop Emotional Intelligence over time, and make better decisions. - Regulating cortisol - the stress hormone! Gratitude has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety by regulating your cortisol levels - Improving sleep - gratitude helps you sleep better because it reduces how much you worry and ruminate. - Modifying neural pathways - regular gratitude can actually CHANGE your NEURAL PATHWAYS!! This will give you a pattern of emotional stability! - Activating the limbic system - this system is responsible for your emotional experiences, and when you practice gratitude, you activate the hippocampus and amygdala which are two main parts of your limbic system As you can see, Gratitude packs a powerful punch 💥 Make a habit of expressing gratitude through prayer, journaling, or just saying it out loud! Pro Tip: When you are with family, express to them what you love about them and why you are grateful for them, not only will this give you all the benefits from above, but it will help strengthen your relationships too! I am so grateful for this beautiful world God created for us all to live on! I am grateful for my Savior, Jesus Christ, and the redemption He offers me, and the love and guidance He gives me daily. I am grateful for my husband who loves and supports me in all of my crazy ideas 🤪 (like homeschooling our 8 kids and starting my coaching business)! I am so grateful that I get to be a mother to all the beautiful spirits God entrusted to me. I am grateful for the country I live in!
New comment 50m ago
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Thank you so much...I am grateful for all who contribute on this site!!! Especially the things that are shared that have so much meaning...
🔥 Are You a FIGHTER! Or Are You Letting Life Push You Around?
Yesterday during Muay Thai training, a powerful lesson really HIT home—one that directly applies to both business and life. The theme of the day? FORWARD PRESSURE. 💥 Our instructor shared a story from this past weekend, where two of our fighters won their matches because they kept consistent forward pressure. They didn’t give their opponents a chance to breathe, always advancing, always pushing. That constant pressure is what ultimately led to victory. What I Learned: This lesson from the ring translates PERFECTLY into our world as entrepreneurs, marketers, and leaders. Whether you're building a funnel, learning a new strategy, or overcoming a mindset block, it’s the forward pressure that makes all the difference. It’s the constant push—the refusal to back down when things get hard—that separates winners from everyone else. How You Can Apply This: 1. Keep Advancing, No Matter the Challenge Just like in the ring, when you're faced with obstacles in your business or personal life, the key is to keep moving forward. Don't let up when things get tough. Keep pushing until you break through! 2. Stay on the Offensive In marketing, sales, and building your funnels, staying proactive is CRITICAL. Keep launching offers, running campaigns, and testing new ideas. Don’t give your challenges room to breathe! 3. Don’t Give Obstacles a Chance to Recover When you’re building something great—whether it's growing your audience or scaling your business—challenges WILL arise. But if you apply constant pressure, your obstacles will lose steam while you gain momentum. 💪 How I’m Putting This into Practice: I’m taking this lesson to heart in my journey to build Challenger Syndicate. 🚀 Whether it's pushing through challenges in growing my community or staying committed to my goals, I’m applying forward pressure every step of the way. My focus right now is learning how to continuously deliver VALUE to my communities—whether that’s through content, funnels, or personal engagement. By staying on the offensive, I’m keeping the momentum going and ensuring that both my community and I are advancing toward BIG wins—like the 2 Comma Club. 😎
New comment 4h ago
🔥 Are You a FIGHTER! Or Are You Letting Life Push You Around?
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Jon you are amazing...I heard someone say that the problems that we find and solve...that's where the hidden treasures are...people pay for problem solvers. Your words this morning were full of encouragement! Keep advancing! Thank you so much.
1 like • 4h
@Jon Pakula I am at Peace... I am looking forward to my video projects tomorrow and very grateful for this day...(7 more replies to answer then I'm going to's 1:12 AM...
SHOUT OUT to Joe Pomeroy
I want to give a shout out to @Joe Pomeroy ! He had so many fun and engaging posts 📫 that made this Skool party so much fun and also has allowed me to meet many fun people too 🙂 Joe is the life of the party 🥳 but also kind and inclusive too! Most of all he's engaged in a cause that is so important of finding harmony between your family and your business. He's got a podcast on YouTube called Forward with Joe Pomeroy which I'm excited about because I've been wanting to learn how to build a closer relationship with some members of my family 🙂 My family is so supportive of what I do but sometimes I get tunnel vision on the business and have wanted to learn how to develop deeper relationships with and make great memories with my family right now rather than waiting for that to happen "once the business takes off" I am grateful for @Joe Pomeroy and the light he shines 💡
New comment 4h ago
SHOUT OUT to Joe Pomeroy
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Absolutely...Thanks Joe!!!!
The ONE Thing...
If you haven't read the book, then it revolves around this question: "What's the one thing I can do right now, that by so doing will make everything else easier or unnecessary?" The hardest part.... is choosing only one thing. You see it's easy to say, "build a funnel!" as our one thing.... and maybe that's legit... but it's usually a copout to keep us from narrowing it down. Now don't get so micro as to say, "my one thing is to click my mouse on the browser window" What's the right balance? Personally, I find narrowing it down until I take immediate action is usually the key. With that it mind.... what's the one thing you can do right now (after leaving an awesome comment) that by so doing will make everything else easier or unnecessary?
New comment 4h ago
The ONE Thing...
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I have Video work to do tomorrow which is part of my Pre-Launch Things To Do...I'm jazzed about it!
You're still leaving gold on the table.
Congrats on your email sequence! Congrats on all the pre and post event emails! You're still limited by your open rates. Even if you're a master email marketer, you're still looking at 55% open rates top and you've hit your glass ceiling. But, what if you use a chatbot too? You might think you already know about chatbots, and you think that by plugging it into the comments of your IG or FB posts you've nailed it. It's not your fault, even Manychat itself fails to dive deeper into what they can do in their ads, events, and case studies, so don't feel bad about it. The fact is, the most perfect follow up sequence relies on a combination of both email and chatbot to keep the pressure balanced throughout your list. Some people are always gonna open your emails, other's need a little reminder to do so, and a ton won't even do so (sorta me), so you need to fill in the gaps with the friendly and light touch of a chatbot sequence that works hand in hand with your email sequences. This way, no one person will feel you've been too intrusive, and you will get more appreciation from your list for keeping them reminded of the value you bring them. Oh, open rates? Chatbot open rates are way above email, so why not use both and take home more slices of the pie?
New comment 4h ago
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Thanks for sharing...sounds great!
1-10 of 118
Kathy Bee Hampton
73points to level up
People Helping People: "Building Dream Teams of Entrepreneurs Collaborating for Growth, Prosperity & Harmony". Entertainment Specialist & Producer.

Active 4h ago
Joined Aug 21, 2024
Downey, CA
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