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The Marketing Starter Kit

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21 contributions to The Marketing Starter Kit
Still no responses
Ok all the messages Im sending out is getting very little responses..I honestly do not see they are even reading them..🤯 Going to stay consistent and on track..guess I should next target my fb friends?? Any thoughts are appreciated.. Blessings always
New comment 2h ago
Still no responses
0 likes • 2h
I really agree with @Andrew Little in Bermuda . My strategy is to tap into my "weird" or quirkyness. I think we all have a quirky side that we hide so that people think we're "normal". The truth is we're all a bit quirky and when people recognise and relate to your quirky nature you spark interest. The things that catch my attention when I'm scrolling are the posts that make me stop and say "wait, what... what is that". May be you could use a funny image, similar to the gigs we use here. I don't know if any of that is helpful, but now you have a fair idea of the kind of person I am. I'll understand if you don't want to hear from me any more, lol.
I just removed 51 Members! 😵‍💫
You're probably thinking, "Ron! Are you crazy?? Why would you do that?" And the answer is YES. I am crazy... Crazy about making this community as helpful as possible... So to do that, I decided to remove any one who has been inactive in here for a month. But I also want to reward the person who's been the most active... And that is..... Drumroll please.... @Tracey Badbada!!! Congrats Tracey! I'll be reaching out to send you your $100 Amazon gift card! Check out the video I just made below to make sure you make the cut next month too, and potential get those sweet sweet Amazon dolla dolla bills yourself.. 😉
New comment 9h ago
I just removed 51 Members! 😵‍💫
2 likes • 23h
Big congrats @Tracey Badbada with your permission, I will be using you as one of my shining examples on how to "wrestle this bull". Well done!
Thankful Thursday- express Gratitude
Hello, amazing entrepreneurs! As we dive into another productive week, let’s take a moment to celebrate Thankful Thursday. In the hustle and bustle of running an online business, it’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind and forget to appreciate the journey we’re on. Today, let’s shift our focus and embrace the power of gratitude. Here’s why being thankful can transform your business and your life - When we cultivate a mindset of gratitude, we attract more positive experiences and opportunities. Start your day by listing three things you’re thankful for in your business. It could be loyal customers, supportive team members, or even the flexibility of working from home. This simple practice can set a positive tone for the entire day.
New comment 9h ago
2 likes • 4d
@Rochelle Rogers That means so much to me.
1 like • 24h
@Cathy Opfer Welcome to our community hive mind. It takes so little time for us to recognise how great this community is.
My little WIN
Ron suggested that I sign up for affiliate program with Amazon since I have a cookbook. Add links to the ingredients to make super easy for my customers. You may be laughing but this is awesome for me! I made my first itty bitty commission! Whoo Hoo to me! Now to monopolize this! Just getting started..whoo Hoo. Thanks Ron it may be a small amount but anything is better than nothing. Now to get this growing. Blessings always
New comment 9h ago
My little WIN
2 likes • 1d
Tracey, WOW!!! You're killing it. Rome wasn't built in a day. Every small win lays the foundation for bigger and greater victories. I'm both excited for what is yet to come for you and how the rest of us will take great inspiration from what you achieve.
Hi everyone I live in Alabama and I definitely need help with sales 😁
New comment 2h ago
0 likes • 4d
Hey @Dena Deen it's great to have you here. Very soon you're going to fall in love with this place. If I'm wrong then...nothing, I'm not wrong. The classroom has great lessons and our community is awesome. So have fun and learn everything you can.
1-10 of 21
Justin Joseph
15points to level up
I'm new to affiliate marketing and I have no idea what to do or how to do it. I'm very limited in time and money, so I will appreciate any help.

Active 1h ago
Joined Jun 16, 2024
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