Today's Plan / Patch Notes / Migration Guides
Okay, sometime today / tonight - v2.1 be pushed, afterwards the message and call filter will be pushed to stop rate limit and filter for quality traffic. There will be an migration guide for those to switch over from Stripe Express to Stripe Oauth. And a minute-to-wallet interrogation guide as well. Before reaching out to support, see if your concern is addressed in the patch notes. We'll be standing by closely all day today / tomorrow to ensure clean and easy transition. Here are the patch notes: ## Platform / infrastructure: - We now have a pre-processing env for messages and calls to filter out duplicate messages caused from GHL double installs - messages will only come through twice - We now process only active, paid workspace sub-accounts - all other data will be filtered to clean up rate limiting and processing - should make everything generally faster and more reliable (messages not showing etc) - Autopilot settings now active - sleep timeout, max responses etc, keep an eye out for stops based on these metrics - Call handling and re-checking - we now do a "double-take" on calls to ensure timestamps and information is accurate and accurately collected and displayed - Billing - billing a "double-take" to ensure information and limits are accurate because they are more heavily enforced with this update, example if sub-account limit is 3 but there are 4, we have time and creation settings to disallow this but will require action on your part before limits are automatically placed, calls will not process if there is no wallet balance / wallet auto-pay (post-v2.1 push to ensure easy transition) - Minutes -> wallet conversion, we will buy back minutes (from direct accounts) to fill your wallet initially so there is no down time - More error handling on the GHL and LLM side - .... and more ## Agency / Subaccount Management: - Edit permissions (tab viewing) has been patched and updated to hide and automatically re-route home page for sub-account (defaults to all) - Edit account (new) edit the information pulled via oauth like location name, address, website etc, we use this to build a profile for assistant creation (defaults to oauth information) - Manage limits (patch & new) has been patched and expanded upon - Allow for unlimited or define a hardset limit for assistants, messages, calling time (in mins), and phone number purchasing (defaults to unlimited on all) - Access control & security (patch and new) has been expanded upon ensuring data is safe, secure and only accessible by people you want it to be - invite members (clients or other users) to the sub-account and manage access control (remove) ---- *** For initial push, this will be defaulted to allow all, in the future this will be defaulted to only invited members - Connection options (new) create and manage connection to sub-accounts with the connection menu - Create / manage connection at the agency level or sub-account level, allow external sub-accounts to be added an connection to be reset at the account level (defaults to agency connection) - Re-billing (patched & new) connection switched from stripe express to stripe oauth meaning you will connect your own stripe account rather than creating a stripe account through express. Rebilling & subscription management are managed separately for wallet billing, a client can be rebilled without a subscription, a client can have a subscription without rebilling and either / or / both