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EQ² Pain Program

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14 contributions to EQ² Pain Program
Start Your Day Right With These 3 Things
#1 Hydration before coffee. Grab a liter of water and put a pinch of sea salt into it. You're body will love you for it! #2 30g of protein with breakfast. This will help manage your hunger until lunch hits and you can grab some more fuel. #3 Go for fats instead of refined carbs with your breakfast. The fats will give you a steadier energy burn throughout the day whereas your fruit loops might taste good and give you a boost first thing but then your going to crash before lunch.
New comment Jul 29
1 like • Jul 25
Always water before coffee. As much as I'd rather the coffee first haha. Ileater first has become such a habit that sometimes on the weekends my hubby has a glass of water waiting for me ❤️. That's love!
Training Like A Body Builder? Why You Should Consider It?
Have you noticed the buzz around hypertrophy training lately? It's not just for bodybuilders anymore, and here's a couple reasons why: 1. Increasing muscle mass helps regulate blood sugar levels, which is crucial for preventing and managing diabetes. More muscle also boosts your metabolism, aiding in weight loss and maintenance. 2. Maintaining muscle mass as we age is linked to better health outcomes and a longer, healthier life. Strong muscles support joint health, balance, and overall mobility, reducing the risk of falls and injuries. 3. Increasing muscle mass can be a powerful tool for losing body fat. Muscle tissue burns more calories at rest compared to fat tissue, which means the more muscle you have, the higher your resting metabolic rate. This can help create a calorie deficit, making it easier to shed those extra pounds while preserving lean body mass. So, whether you're looking to lose weight, improve your health, or just feel stronger, hypertrophy training could be a game-changer for you. 💪 Do you need help creating a workout routine with a hypertrophy focus?
New comment Jul 18
Training Like A Body Builder? Why You Should Consider  It?
0 likes • Jul 11
So many wonderful benefits! For a long time I've wanted to do a body building show. I watched my dad do them when I was younger and always thought I'd love to be built. It was about how I would look. That was the goal. Now the goal is health. Id still like to do a show one day tomorrow to myself that I could do it, but there's a long way to go...and my feet don't love high heels haha!
Use This Powerful Meal Planning Tool Improve Your Nutrition While Saving Money and Time.
Do you need help planning meals, getting easy-to-follow recipes, making grocery lists, and saving money and time? Well, it's all right here! The most powerful tool that will do all the heavy lifting for whatever meals you want this week. Just plug and play after watching this video for all the prompts you need. If you feel stuck because you don't know your macros, don't sweat it. I will help you calculate them here
New comment Jun 4
Use This Powerful Meal Planning Tool Improve Your Nutrition While Saving Money and Time.
1 like • Jun 4
This is neat! I never thought of using chat gpt for meal ideas!
Wrapping Up the 10 Day Mobility Challenge.
You made it! How did it feel to commit to 15 min per day for 10 days? Does your body feel completely different? Did you find some hidden sore spots that you didn't even know existed? If you have come to the realization that you should be doing mobility work on a regular basis then you will be happy to know that I have put together a special offer just for you guys and girls! Requirements: Willingness to commit to self improvement Completing 70% or more of the 10 Day Challenge Foam Roller and Ball If you have completed 7/10 days (or when you do) send me a message on here and I will share the exclusive offer with you!
New comment May 11
Wrapping Up the 10 Day Mobility Challenge.
0 likes • May 10
I've done 9 out of 10 so far. Will do day 10 after work. I do rom every morning but this has upped the game. Feeling a lot more limber and less stiff in the mornings. Noticed it is getting alot easier with walking down the stairs and not experiencing joint stiffness!
0 likes • May 11
10 out of 10! That wall airplane really tested my balance. A lot of room for improvement
So I'm not the slightest of people and I randomly get paid In My left foot .I'd say it starts on the side of my foot Right above where the arch is and will radiate down the side of my foot. I've brought it up to the Dr, who can't seem to figure out why. He says my Inflammation numbers are good and no signs of arthritis. The pain happens randomly and only once in a blue moon. Sometimes it happens when I'm just sitting at my desk and sometimes if I'm walking.. no rhyme no reason. The pain also varies from minimal to I can't move my foot a certain way. Luckily lately it's only been minimal. Anyway for a while I've been contemplating the couch to 5k. I've never really loved jogging or running. And did one 5km race way back when. But wanted to give it a go again. I'm just concerned it'll make my foot worse..any thoughts? Or if walking may be the better choice?
New comment May 11
0 likes • May 9
@Logan Grundy looking to improve my endurance. I love hiking but walking uphill kills me. So I'd love to work towards not feeling like I want to throw up when we are on longer steeper hikes. Plus I've have been told by a few " there's no way you can run 5k.' and I was so close I ve to being able to but got injured and was on crutches. But sometimes I worry with my weight it's too hard on the joints . So if I did the couch to 5k it probably would take a lot longer.
0 likes • May 10
My plan was to start the breath work course after the mobility
1-10 of 14
Jessica Cocker
14points to level up
Out here living my best life

Active 2d ago
Joined Mar 17, 2024
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