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Welcome To Peak Health: Pain Free Living
Watch this first video for an introduction to the page, where you will find everything and a little about myself and my intentions for the community
Welcome To Peak Health: Pain Free Living
Simplest Way To Eliminate Pain From Your Job
One of the biggest causes of pain for people is the repetitive nature of their work. I am going to make you a pretty solid promise here. If you start taking as little as 5 minutes each day after work to move your body in the opposite ways that you spend at work you will significantly reduce the aches and pains. It's a simple principle that can be applied for any job, you just have to take a minute to think about what positions you are in all day and what muscles are constantly getting worked. This will help you target the right area. 2 Examples Desk worker who is sitting all day has their hips bent to 90 degrees all day. Corrective work - 5 minutes in the evening of opening their hips up. Someone who works hard all day doing manual labor overworking their lower back muscles. Corrective work - relax and stretch out the low back that has gotten tight and sore from repetitive lifts. I know sometimes this is hard to conceptualize so drop into the comments specific jobs or areas of pain for me and I will address them all in their own posts and tag you!
Committed To Running Without Pain
Every September a couple of my good friends host a running challenge, you can choose between 50,100 and 150km. I went for it this year at 150 and am committed to doing it all pain free. My 4 go to exercises to keep me feeling good with the extra milage are as follows: Hamstring to Ankle Rock 2x8 Worlds Greatest Stretch 2x4 Front Back Swings 2x15 Side to Side Swings 2x15 I do that before each running session and so far so good. If you have your own pre or post running exercise that you like to do I'd love to hear about them below!
Steel Clubs for Alleviating Shoulder Pain Recording
If you guys missed it here it is! What valuable lessons did you learn from watching?
Why You Have Upper Back & Shoulder Pain and Why a Steel Club Is the Solution
Let's break it down simply. - majority of shoulder and upper back pain is coming from a compensation patter from repeating the same movement all day long and not moving through a full range of motion (think desk worker, truck driver, electrician, etc.) - OR you have chronic pain from an old injury which isn't so different in the sense that you have a compensation pattern and likely don't take your shoulder through a full range of motion regularly you just also have an injury on top of it. So what's the solution? The opposite of where you are currently at - getting more movement into the shoulder. Now there are about a million and one corrective exercises, stretches, soft tissue releases and mobility exercises you can do for this. AND guess what - typically, assuming you pick the right one they work. BUT you don't necessarily do them do you? Drop a comment if you are guilty of not doing prescribed homework from a physio, chiro, acupuncturist. doctor etc. This is where the steel club comes in - its really fucking fun to play around with. It's literally that simple why its such a good tool. Ok there is technically more to it and why it's so good but for the depth most people need to understand is IT WORKS and IT"S SOMETHING YOU"LL ACTUALLY DO It takes about 5 minutes to go through a full shoulder routine that's really simple and can be scaled from your grandma to your jacked cousin Bob. When you look at the routine you see it takes the shoulder through a VERY full range of motion in multiple directions which is perfect for freeing the shoulder up, and because there's just a bit of weight (you don't really want it heavy for rehab) it will also clean up the weaknesses you have in your shoulder. If you want to see a video of the full routine I go through jump on my FB live tomorrow at 5 PM MST Here's my FB profile link and I will add the recorded link after in case you miss it!
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EQ² Pain Program
A group dedicated to eliminating pain using my science-based EQ² Pain Program so that you can return to living without the limitations of pain.
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