So I'm not the slightest of people and I randomly get paid In My left foot .I'd say it starts on the side of my foot Right above where the arch is and will radiate down the side of my foot. I've brought it up to the Dr, who can't seem to figure out why. He says my Inflammation numbers are good and no signs of arthritis. The pain happens randomly and only once in a blue moon. Sometimes it happens when I'm just sitting at my desk and sometimes if I'm walking.. no rhyme no reason. The pain also varies from minimal to I can't move my foot a certain way. Luckily lately it's only been minimal. Anyway for a while I've been contemplating the couch to 5k. I've never really loved jogging or running. And did one 5km race way back when. But wanted to give it a go again. I'm just concerned it'll make my foot worse..any thoughts? Or if walking may be the better choice?
Jessica Cocker
EQ² Pain Program
A group dedicated to eliminating pain using my science-based EQ² Pain Program so that you can return to living without the limitations of pain.
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