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Wheel Warriors

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229 contributions to Wheel Warriors
Hi Iโ€™m Randy and Iโ€™m a T-11 complete been struggling since this happened at work on April 1 2019 looking forward to getting any help I can
New comment Apr 3
0 likes โ€ข Oct '23
Hey @Randy Guthrie welcome to Wheel Warriors! I guess we all go through that period of struggle, in various degrees depending on severity of injury/illnessโ€ฆ.you mention on your profile you feel blessed to be here and thatโ€™s got to be a real positive. The littleโ€™un on your profile photo (family?) is another wonderful reason to push on through the struggles and you say you are looking forward to getting helpโ€ฆ.brilliant! Thatโ€™s one up on me!! I was stubborn as #@* !!! Didnโ€™t want help from anyone (I was in denial more like) but thankfully my husband ignored me and found a brilliant physio who got me hooked again to exercise! My life up to 50 yrs of age always included sport of some kind and when he realised I had a past competitive streak, my physio homed in on that and started timing me on all my exercises. Even though I was the only one in the race each week, Iโ€™d want to beat my previous best time! I stopped focusing on what I couldnโ€™t do and focused solely on what I could still do! That worked for me and I managed to get myself together to the point I do actually love life againโ€ฆwalking is definitely overrated! ๐Ÿ˜‚ Iโ€™ve been paraplegic for 13 years and I do still struggle sometimes but find WW a help, loads of great material in the classroom section! The community spirit is powerful and really positive, so Iโ€™m sure you will find your way and you will meet that goal of improving 1% each day!! Wishing you the very best of luck for reaching your goals Randy, Iโ€™m sure youโ€™ll do it! Iโ€™m sending you a wave and a smile from Jersey, Channel Islands, best wishes, Jan ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ˜
0 likes โ€ข Apr 3
@Randy Guthrie Good on you! Keep on pushing and you will get there! ๐Ÿ’ช Iโ€™ve also been off here for a few months, having retired in December and relocated to Dubai from Jersey Channel Islands. The effort needed to pack up the house and move to a new country (on top of lifeโ€™s day to day challenges) was huge! Following weeks and weeks of formalities and a lot of โ€œhoops to jump throughโ€ later, I am only now finding my way back to the WW fold! Your reply has helped me focus on WW again so thank you for your response to my message! ๐Ÿ™ I need extra motivation and I find that @Danny Westwood and the WW peersโ€™ energy, support & encouragement is a great source of that . I hope you find the same Randy, Iโ€™m rooting for you and if ever you fancy a chat, please reach out anytime! Sending my very best wishes ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ˜Ž
Hello, I am a 62 yr old T8, 9 complete para. I was injured at age 15. In my early years I was active and in good shape. Haven't been that active in years. Shoulders are worn out, rotator tears. But the last 2 yrs been working out 2-3 times wkly. Shoulders are stronger but still need to be careful. Looking to get good advice to lose weight, can't seem to reduce waist size. Looking forward to everyone's posts and stories, acquiring good tips.
New comment Dec '23
3 likes โ€ข Nov '23
Hey @Jack Osborne a belated welcome to Wheel Warriors! Hope you are settling in and have found the really useful material in the classroom section very interesting, which aside from a fantastic group of like minded people who are super supportive is a great reason to join. You mentioning rotator tears brought tears to my eyes!! ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ™ˆ I had one painful tear a few years ago, it can be restrictive having to be so careful not to repeat the injury! Wishing you success with your goals, best wishes, ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ˜Jan
Good morning you all. I hope everyone's had an enjoyable week, in spite of anything that tried to cause more problems than we already face. Chin up.... You're doing your best. That's what matters.
New comment Nov '23
2 likes โ€ข Nov '23
@Britton Ingram what a lovely upbeat post! Just what some of us need when starting a daunting week! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜
New - Introduction
Hi Guys, T12 here. It will be 2 years since my injury this Christmas day. I have started working out regularly and want to stay motivated and learn new routines and more on nutrition. I am trying to save up for an adaptive mountain bike to help keep active as well. So far I have been doing strength training on my shoulders and biceps, but need to work in the triceps, back, and chest. I also workout on the quiet punch bag for some cardio. Check out my gains on my profile pic! I can't wait to start some new routines, new diet, and new friendships. Keep shredding! Tammie
New comment Nov '23
2 likes โ€ข Nov '23
@Tammie Thompson a belated welcome to Wheel Warriors! ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ˜
Hi I'm not in a good place at the moment, last Wednesday I slipped and fell, I landed against the concrete step that I was stepping down off, I use crutches or a wheelchair but I can also potter and cruise a few steps if needed, so that was me Wednesday morning, the pain when I landed was excruciating and I found that I couldn't get up or move without serious pain so an ambulance was called and gas and air was given, well they couldn't get a line in so to move me, the magic whistle was given I don't remember them getting me onto the stretcher the next thing was the doors to the ambulance being closed and my oh saying he'll see me later, well nothing broken as x-rays taken first Dr wanted scans etc second just x-rays, back home at about 9pm, the pains been like when I first had my accident so last few days oralmorph and diazapam, as well as normal meds and paracetamol. Pain is still not as bad but stopped diazapam and reduced oralmorph yesterday, hoping today will be better, l have some nasty bruising across my back and down my left arm wrist to shoulder, I wished they had scanned me, but never mind, so currently just trying to function with pain at a level I would like to reduce, Dr in hospital was very dismissive of everything due to being disabled anyway, hoping to return to my base line as soon as I can. Feeling very sorry for myself at the moment, had the lecture over being and doing something I have no need to, not having at least one crutch, wrong footwear and lastly cracking the concrete ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚, so currently pottering about trying to stay positive and not stiffening up, working through the pain which is in my better side my right leg hip back and left arm thankfully bucket of water saved me from cracking my head though it's at the same side as C6 is causing issues.
New comment Nov '23
2 likes โ€ข Nov '23
@Charlotte Howes sorry to read this but through it all you are remaining positive with a sense of humour! Itโ€™s times like these that you realise just how resilient you areโ€ฆ.hope you feel much better soon! ๐Ÿ™๐ŸŒธ very best wishes, Jan ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ˜
1-10 of 229
Janet Tuck
112points to level up
I am 63, paraplegic for 13 years following Arachnoiditis & 5 spinal ops . Optimistic, resilient, determined, happy, love life and I talk too much! ๐Ÿ˜‚

Active 169d ago
Joined Sep 8, 2023
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