Hi I'm not in a good place at the moment, last Wednesday I slipped and fell, I landed against the concrete step that I was stepping down off, I use crutches or a wheelchair but I can also potter and cruise a few steps if needed, so that was me Wednesday morning, the pain when I landed was excruciating and I found that I couldn't get up or move without serious pain so an ambulance was called and gas and air was given, well they couldn't get a line in so to move me, the magic whistle was given I don't remember them getting me onto the stretcher the next thing was the doors to the ambulance being closed and my oh saying he'll see me later, well nothing broken as x-rays taken first Dr wanted scans etc second just x-rays, back home at about 9pm, the pains been like when I first had my accident so last few days oralmorph and diazapam, as well as normal meds and paracetamol. Pain is still not as bad but stopped diazapam and reduced oralmorph yesterday, hoping today will be better, l have some nasty bruising across my back and down my left arm wrist to shoulder, I wished they had scanned me, but never mind, so currently just trying to function with pain at a level I would like to reduce, Dr in hospital was very dismissive of everything due to being disabled anyway, hoping to return to my base line as soon as I can. Feeling very sorry for myself at the moment, had the lecture over being and doing something I have no need to, not having at least one crutch, wrong footwear and lastly cracking the concrete 😂😂, so currently pottering about trying to stay positive and not stiffening up, working through the pain which is in my better side my right leg hip back and left arm thankfully bucket of water saved me from cracking my head though it's at the same side as C6 is causing issues.
Charlotte Howes
Wheel Warriors
Wheelchair users - Drop the chair belly & get strong AF!
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