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BoldForge: Pain Into Strength

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4 contributions to BoldForge: Pain Into Strength
Goal Setting
Goals can be really fun to have if you make them. What are your personal health and fitness goals for this month?
New comment 4d ago
1 like • 4d
Goals for next 4 weeks 8 weeks out from my next meet from today. Locking back in with my nutrition logging out everything on the 1st Phorm app. Want to see big number Squat 507-545lb Bench 342-363lb Deadlift 573-601lb Just some number looking forward from this block.
I have struggled lots. I have snoozed alarms. I have canceled workouts. I have eaten the things I know I shouldn’t have. They were all decisions, and I knew what I was doing. It felt like I couldn’t stop making them. I felt like I didn’t have the energy to pour into myself. I felt like “it was just never the right time”. No one is perfect. How hungry are you for your success? Are you so committed to your dreams that it will take mountains to fall…. for you to quit. Do you think that having 1, 2, 365 bad days (or more!) means that it’s okay to not believe in yourself? I didn’t believe in myself at the beginning.. Start with: building trust with yourself This can look like keeping the basic promises you make to yourself like( making your workouts, waking up on time, going to sleep on time, etc). Be very careful what you SAY you WANT to start or do, because if you chronically deviate then you will need to put 1000x the effort to rebuild that trust and confidence with yourself. Wherever you are in your journey, you can forge your pain into strength and lead by example ALSO, Don’t forget to be a light to someone else today. Don’t forget to keep an open mind on how the lessons you learn today will make you stronger than you could ever imagine. Remain kind with yourself, and don’t be afraid to start the goals you’ve always wanted to.
New comment 14d ago
0 likes • 14d
Good stuff!
Mindset to be better. Kristen help me part 1
When I first meet Kristen I always had the hardest time with mindset I never had a powerlifting meet that I walk out satisfied with. Had the hardest time believing in myself. Always dealing with injuries high stress factor at times. I never thought I was strong. The support that she provided and talks we shared help me change my mindset. Kristen supported me at time when I had low moments. My mindset has changed since we first met. Knowing I am strong having harder days at time but that just the process. When I start hitting number I never touch before I ask myself multiple questions. How do I feel at this present moment? Do you remember the cues? Do I feel good for this? I started visualizing ahead with no fail in my mind picturing the outcome instead of what if. Having a goal to accomplish hitting new milestones with new personal best with volume and singles. I still don’t think I’m strong yet but I know I’m a lot stronger now than I was before. I’m trying to break 700kg total for powerlifting. Going up a weight class to 82.5kg. Prepping for regionals now goal is nationals then pro card for powerlifting.
New comment Jul 16
1 like • Jul 9
I see a 1st Phorm flag
1-4 of 4
Harvey Tagalicud
1point to level up
Enjoy powerlifting and the great outdoors

Active 11h ago
Joined Jun 27, 2024
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