Mindset to be better. Kristen help me part 1
When I first meet Kristen I always had the hardest time with mindset I never had a powerlifting meet that I walk out satisfied with. Had the hardest time believing in myself. Always dealing with injuries high stress factor at times. I never thought I was strong. The support that she provided and talks we shared help me change my mindset.
Kristen supported me at time when I had low moments. My mindset has changed since we first met. Knowing I am strong having harder days at time but that just the process. When I start hitting number I never touch before I ask myself multiple questions. How do I feel at this present moment? Do you remember the cues? Do I feel good for this?
I started visualizing ahead with no fail in my mind picturing the outcome instead of what if. Having a goal to accomplish hitting new milestones with new personal best with volume and singles. I still don’t think I’m strong yet but I know I’m a lot stronger now than I was before. I’m trying to break 700kg total for powerlifting. Going up a weight class to 82.5kg. Prepping for regionals now goal is nationals then pro card for powerlifting.
Harvey Tagalicud
Mindset to be better. Kristen help me part 1
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