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Freight Group

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23 contributions to Freight Group
Freight Gets In Your Blood
When I was a kid, my dad would say, "freight gets in your blood." No idea where it came from, and never thought much of it until later in life and I started working in the business. But the reality is, being close to it all my life made a significant impact. We would go on sales calls with him as kids; being the oldest of four, I probably got the most benefit from this. We'd go onto manufacturer floors and entertainments. He'd get a truck into the schools with the No Zone on the side of the trailer. It was baked into us. My brother designs infrastructure. That's related. My sister hustles direct mail. That's also related. The other sister sells manufacturing products. Related. Anyway, my question for this awesome group is, where did you first get your taste of freight?
New comment 22d ago
By now y'all know how ANTI-EV I AM but I am also a huge proponent of a viable & sustainable option to diesel trucks. One of these options I'd like to see to continue to evolve & hopefully take the forefront are the CNG/LNG engines. Unfortunately our Govt. isn't throwing billions of tax incentives & touting it like they do the alternatives so it's mainly up to the private sector. Yes we face some of the same issues like lack of fueling stations & the costs of these tractors are a little high, however the push for CNG is nothing new & there are already many refueling stations already built with more planned. Now the cost being a 1/3-1/2 of what an EV does mean a savings. Not to mention that current diesel engines can be retrofitted for CNG further cutting your costs VS buying new.
New comment 26d ago
1 like • 30d
@Robert Petersen none of these things are inherently bad. The problem is that they are being forced upon us. Technological advances are great; solar panels on the roof might make a lot of sense, but solar will not power our trucks. It's a matter of being reasonable and logical. But the mandates are purely emotional.
1 like • 26d
@Robert Petersen that's a pretty solid disagreement, and I agree with it. Yes, they bury those fiberglass blades in the ground. And they do not decompose. Disgusting. How does that help the planet?! I saw an interesting one about the off-shore based wind farms and how they are displacing whales and their feeding grounds. Again, not making mainstream narratives because it doesn't "fit."
Freight Skool Community
What do we mean by we are building a “community” here on Skool. I’ve had a few people in Skool get to know what I specialize in when it comes to freight and what I stand for “Protecting” Freight. These people have actually sent me customers. Getting familiar with each other on this platform really helps us understand the value each of us contributes here. For example I’ve never been in the business to move Automobiles but I know @Nick Padgett here in Skool has a website called so when I get a call to move a car I immediately think of Nick. Why? He’s here in our Skool. Same thing with insurance and Risk. @Sydnie Theisen is not my insurance agent (yet) but I know she shares her knowledge with our Skool community and knowing her here in Skool makes me want to refer people to her. That’s what a community is and does and that’s what we are building here. Thanks for your participation in Skool and hope everyone spends enough time in here to get to know everyone else.
New comment 25d ago
4 likes • 26d
There is enough freight for everyone who does a good job. Building a community builds trust. Looking forward to the long term relationships that come out of this.
Skoolmate Directory in Classrooms
I want to have a community Directory of info on each of us, for those that want to participate. Please email me what you would like published about you and or your company. It can be one paragraph or an entire biography. lol I have put an example of mine out there (Still Writing it so its currently not complete) in the Classroom Directory as an example Email your submission to: and I will get your info published in our directory
New comment 26d ago
4 likes • 30d
Get ready for it, @Steven Tittle
What does the perfect freight world look like?
A couple of years ago at a conference, someone from the Disney Imagineers was the speaker. He asked something like, "if all the rules of your industry went away and you got to re-write it all, what would it look like?" It's something we should consider in our industry, which has no shortage of problems. What's your answer?
New comment 23d ago
1-10 of 23
Ed Burns
57points to level up
Ed is a marketer turned-freight-guy who loves making great relationships.

Active 1d ago
Joined Feb 2, 2024
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