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Sales Community for Closers

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7 contributions to Sales Community for Closers
Promise made, promise kept – Why follow-through matters in sales
Had a call with a prospective client yesterday. Wrapped up the call by promising to send a detailed recap email before end of day (after my gym session of course). 💪 Guess what I did? Exactly what I said I was going to do. When I got back from the gym, I put together an awesome recap email and hit send. His response? "Thanks again for your quick responses and professionalism. I was stoked to find this email here earlier today. I'm sure you can relate to the frustration when 'I'll send this over to you today' actually means days later for a shockingly high number of people." It's amazing how something as simple as following through on your promises can leave a lasting impression. This response from the (prospective) client is a perfect example of why it's so important to always follow through on our commitments, whether in business or in life. Not only does it show professionalism and reliability, but it also sets us apart from those who make empty promises and fail to deliver. So let's all take a lesson from this and remember that actions speak louder than words. - Ever promised your prospect a proposal by a specific date? - Ever told them you'd send an email by end of day? - Ever said you'd get them an answer to a burning question? Next time you tell your prospect (or customer) you're going to do something, DO IT. Drop an emoji below if you're committed to delivering on your promises. 👇
New comment 17h ago
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Personal integrity and accountability both lay a great foundation for long lasting and collaborative relationships. I love working with people I can rely on, I imagine I'm not alone in this.
Ever wonder how to detach from the outcome when your paycheck depends on it? 🤔
Here's the secret sauce: 1. Stay Consistent – You know the drill. Consistency = probability in your favor. When you’ve got a healthy pipeline, you're not sweating the unresponsive prospects. You just move on to the next prospect. Less desperation, more opportunities. 2. Focus on Inputs – Repeat after me: "I can only control what I do." Ask yourself daily, “Did I truly give my best today?” If the answer is yes, then you're earning that "good dopamine". Have faith in the process and consistently do what you got to do - which is focus on the PRIORITIZED sales activities (the inputs - lead gen, prospecting, qualification). 3. Healthy Pipeline – A big ol' pipeline means you’re always moving forward, never stuck in one place. This is your ultimate secret weapon against salesy desperation. Today, when you start hitting walls, repeat this mantra: "I'm taking action and detaching myself from the outcome." Make it happen!
New comment 11d ago
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The real secret sauce is that the sale is never ever about you. It's about ensuring the person you're talking to makes the absolute best decision. If you'd rather find yourself sleeping on a park bench over getting someone to make a bad decision, then you'll never have this problem. On top of the other 3 tips above @Vinnie Hecht ^^^ To practice temperance for when you need the money even when you're (literally) hungry. Do a full day of saying no, wake up, don't eat, go to sleep, no food all day. Practice fasting. To practice temperance for times when you really want the money - those times when you're just about to hit a goal to buy a new car, or get that new game you've been waiting for. Give to charity. Choosing to sacrifice when we're in control makes that sacrifice so much easier when it feels out of our control. Self sacrifice kills commission breath
What are some rebuttals if someone says I am not interested?
Hey guys. What is the best thing to say if someone says not interested on a cold call when selling digital marketing services or dont have a budget?
New comment 12d ago
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Especially for the times where you get this early on in the call: If you can get a recording of your call and listen back on it, you'll immediately be able to hear when you did something to make them react that way and you'll fix it straight away. If you're hearing it later on in the call, it's likely one of 2 things: 1. Your line of questioning stopped making sense in their mind, or you said something that removed your authority in the sale or 2. When it came to presenting the offer (appointment or solution) perhaps you presented it in a way which did not resonate with them. If you think it's number 1. then perhaps build or copy a framework for your calls and do some roleplay. If you think its number 2. I'd recommend only using the words they gave to you when presenting the offer. e.g. If you're offering sales training and you're goal is to secure an appointment, and they say: "It sucks because my team doesn't get the closing rates I do." Instead of saying, "let's book you in an appointment and we can show you how to solve this", instead say: "If we could help you get your teams closing rate similar to yours or maybe even higher, would that be of benefit?" tldr; prospect should only say they're not interested if 1. they are not in the market to buy right now, or 2. you gave up your authority/expert frame on the call - listen to recordings
Best Platform to get leads (Business owners direct number and email)?
Hi, I have tried Apollo and Google listings and been doing some 1000 Calls per day with my team but I am unable to set a single appointment. I think the main issue I am facing is that 99% of the time receptionist answers the call and never let us pass through. How can i get direct phone numbers of business owner? What the alternative?
New comment 14d ago
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If you're getting through to receptionist, this is good news. It means the numbers work. It's not what you want to hear: Maybe change your approach with the receptionist. You don't have a contact number issue. The receptionist thinks you're going to waste the CEO's time. Have the receptionist think you're going to help the CEO in ways the usual salesperson doesn't.
Introduce Yourself! (Start Here🔥)
Are you ready to take your sales game to the next level? Then this is the perfect place for you. Whether you’re a sales rookie or a seasoned vet, this community has something for everyone. The mission of this community is simple: to help people hone their selling skills and become the best closers they can be. We’re not here to mince words - if you’re serious about sales and have something valuable to contribute, then this is the place for you. I'll be here to help you boost your sales skills and confidence so you can close more deals, make more money and reach greater success. Start by checking out these links: The Macro-Sales Process: The Ultimate Guide to B2B Sales (2023) Prospecting: Cold Calling: What To Do Before, During, and After 10 Tips on How to NOT SUCK at Cold Calling Now, listen up, this isn't just any old website or forum; it’s a vibrant community buzzing with ideas, discussions, and a whole lot of quirky personalities. And you, my friend, have the power to make a difference here. Think about it. When you actively contribute to the community, you're not just adding your two cents. You're shaping the very fabric of this digital haven. Your unique perspective, insights, and experiences have the potential to spark new ideas, challenge existing beliefs, and foster genuine connections. What's in it for you? Well, besides the warm fuzzies that come with being an active participant in something bigger than yourself, contributing to the community opens doors. It's a chance to showcase your expertise, build your personal brand, and gain recognition among like-minded individuals. Hell, you might even find your next job through this community.
New comment 15h ago
Introduce Yourself! (Start Here🔥)
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I'm David - freelance inbound closer.
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David Mordecai
13points to level up
Sales Professional

Active 3m ago
Joined Sep 2, 2024
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