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Promise made, promise kept – Why follow-through matters in sales
Had a call with a prospective client yesterday. Wrapped up the call by promising to send a detailed recap email before end of day (after my gym session of course). 💪 Guess what I did? Exactly what I said I was going to do. When I got back from the gym, I put together an awesome recap email and hit send. His response? "Thanks again for your quick responses and professionalism. I was stoked to find this email here earlier today. I'm sure you can relate to the frustration when 'I'll send this over to you today' actually means days later for a shockingly high number of people." It's amazing how something as simple as following through on your promises can leave a lasting impression. This response from the (prospective) client is a perfect example of why it's so important to always follow through on our commitments, whether in business or in life. Not only does it show professionalism and reliability, but it also sets us apart from those who make empty promises and fail to deliver. So let's all take a lesson from this and remember that actions speak louder than words. - Ever promised your prospect a proposal by a specific date? - Ever told them you'd send an email by end of day? - Ever said you'd get them an answer to a burning question? Next time you tell your prospect (or customer) you're going to do something, DO IT. Drop an emoji below if you're committed to delivering on your promises. 👇
New comment 19h ago
Ever wonder how to detach from the outcome when your paycheck depends on it? 🤔
Here's the secret sauce: 1. Stay Consistent – You know the drill. Consistency = probability in your favor. When you’ve got a healthy pipeline, you're not sweating the unresponsive prospects. You just move on to the next prospect. Less desperation, more opportunities. 2. Focus on Inputs – Repeat after me: "I can only control what I do." Ask yourself daily, “Did I truly give my best today?” If the answer is yes, then you're earning that "good dopamine". Have faith in the process and consistently do what you got to do - which is focus on the PRIORITIZED sales activities (the inputs - lead gen, prospecting, qualification). 3. Healthy Pipeline – A big ol' pipeline means you’re always moving forward, never stuck in one place. This is your ultimate secret weapon against salesy desperation. Today, when you start hitting walls, repeat this mantra: "I'm taking action and detaching myself from the outcome." Make it happen!
New comment 11d ago
Qualities of a successful sales person 👇
After coaching hundreds of salespeople and witnessing their successes and failures, I've come to realize that there are certain qualities that set apart the truly successful salespeople from the rest. Here's a list of qualities that I believe are essential for any salesperson looking to reach the top: 1. Referrals - Are you asking for them? 2. Structuring Your Day - Do you allocate time to PRIORITIZED sales activities, daily? 3. Hiring Out Admin Work - Are you outsourcing tasks that take away from valuable selling time? 4. Heavy Prospecting - This is 1 of the 3 prioritized sales activities. Are you doing this, DAILY? 5. Goals - Are you setting them daily, weekly, monthly, annually? 6. Being Genuine, Grateful, and Engaged - People can spot a fake from a mile away. Are you be your authentic self? 7. Exercise, Diet, and Health - After over a decade of selling, this is absurdly underrated. Be honest, are you prioritizing your health? 8. Don’t Shy Away from a Challenge - Are you "staying in the pocket" and overcoming objections? Are you asking the hard questions during discovery? Are you asking for the business during the close? 9. Always Looking for an Edge - Personal development isn’t optional; it’s essential. The training never stops. Is training something you did, or do? Now is the time to take action. If you want to be a top performer, start implementing these qualities into your daily routine. Remember, success doesn't come overnight - it takes hard work and consistency. But with these qualities, I guarantee you'll see an improvement in your quote attainment (but more importantly, in your bank account)🤑 Now be honest, where do you need to improve? Are there any other qualities you believe are essential for a successful salesperson? Let me know in the comments below. Vinnie
2024 Goals 🎯📈🏆
Alright folks, it's time to get serious. If you haven't thought about your 2024 goals, then you're gonna get run over. Trust me, I know from experience. Making annual goals has been one of the best things I've ever done for myself. And I'm not talking about those vague goals like "lose weight" or "save money." No, I'm talking about intentional and well thought-out goals for your health, wealth, and happiness. So, before 2023 is complete, carve out some time and write those goals down. What do your goals look like for your health (physical, mental, and spiritual)? What do your goals look like for your wealth (commissions/earnings)? What do your goals look like for your overall happiness (less social media, more family time)? Here's a framework for how I set mine: 1. Make sure your goals are realistic It's important to think about what you want to accomplish and how long it will take you to get there. Make sure your goals are achievable within the time frame that you have set for yourself, and be sure to break them down into smaller, more manageable tasks. 2. Create a friggin' plan Once you have identified your goals, it's time to create a plan of action. Make a list of the steps that need to be taken in order to achieve each goal, and assign deadlines for each task. This will help keep you on track and ensure that you stay focused on the end goal. 3. Monitor. Your. Progress. Set aside some time every day, week, or month to review your progress and make any necessary adjustments or changes if needed. Personally, I use an Google Sheet and I monitor my goals daily (water intake, meal plan, gym time, journaling, content creation/learning). I know if I hit these daily goals, then I'll most likely hit my weekly/monthly goals. I attached a screenshot to this post on how I track my daily goals. Keep it simple. 4. Stay Flexible Finally, it's important to stay flexible when it comes to achieving your annual goals. Things may not always go according to plan, so it's important to be open-minded and willing to adjust as needed in order for success. Don't be afraid of failure - instead use it as an opportunity for growth.
New comment 30d ago
2024 Goals 🎯📈🏆
No excuses in 2024.
It's a new year, and it's time to take action. By now, crucial choices should have been made. Are you determined to rid yourself of negative habits? Have you strategically mapped out strategies to achieve your goals? Have you even put the pen to paper and set goals? If not, prepare for stagnation. To elevate yourself, sacrifices must be made. Who is committed to pursuing success this year? Share a GIF to show your dedication.
New comment Jan 14
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