Qualities of a successful sales person 👇
After coaching hundreds of salespeople and witnessing their successes and failures, I've come to realize that there are certain qualities that set apart the truly successful salespeople from the rest.
Here's a list of qualities that I believe are essential for any salesperson looking to reach the top:
  1. Referrals - Are you asking for them?
  2. Structuring Your Day - Do you allocate time to PRIORITIZED sales activities, daily?
  3. Hiring Out Admin Work - Are you outsourcing tasks that take away from valuable selling time?
  4. Heavy Prospecting - This is 1 of the 3 prioritized sales activities. Are you doing this, DAILY?
  5. Goals - Are you setting them daily, weekly, monthly, annually?
  6. Being Genuine, Grateful, and Engaged - People can spot a fake from a mile away. Are you be your authentic self?
  7. Exercise, Diet, and Health - After over a decade of selling, this is absurdly underrated. Be honest, are you prioritizing your health?
  8. Don’t Shy Away from a Challenge - Are you "staying in the pocket" and overcoming objections? Are you asking the hard questions during discovery? Are you asking for the business during the close?
  9. Always Looking for an Edge - Personal development isn’t optional; it’s essential. The training never stops. Is training something you did, or do?
Now is the time to take action.
If you want to be a top performer, start implementing these qualities into your daily routine.
Remember, success doesn't come overnight - it takes hard work and consistency. But with these qualities, I guarantee you'll see an improvement in your quote attainment (but more importantly, in your bank account)🤑
Now be honest, where do you need to improve?
Are there any other qualities you believe are essential for a successful salesperson?
Let me know in the comments below.
Vinnie Hecht
Qualities of a successful sales person 👇
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