Ever wonder how to detach from the outcome when your paycheck depends on it? 🤔
Here's the secret sauce:
  1. Stay Consistent – You know the drill. Consistency = probability in your favor. When you’ve got a healthy pipeline, you're not sweating the unresponsive prospects. You just move on to the next prospect. Less desperation, more opportunities.
2. Focus on Inputs – Repeat after me: "I can only control what I do." Ask yourself daily, “Did I truly give my best today?” If the answer is yes, then you're earning that "good dopamine". Have faith in the process and consistently do what you got to do - which is focus on the PRIORITIZED sales activities (the inputs - lead gen, prospecting, qualification).
3. Healthy Pipeline – A big ol' pipeline means you’re always moving forward, never stuck in one place. This is your ultimate secret weapon against salesy desperation.
Today, when you start hitting walls, repeat this mantra:
"I'm taking action and detaching myself from the outcome."
Make it happen!
Vinnie Hecht
Ever wonder how to detach from the outcome when your paycheck depends on it? 🤔
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