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17 contributions to MONK MODE CHALLENGE
Day 5
The momentum is high, I'm currently experiencing the winner's effect. Where wins from the previous days keeps me wanting to win more. Day 5 onto the journey and it's just wow. Let's keep winning guys. 🔥🔥
New comment 23h ago
Day 5
0 likes • 1d
Awesome bro! Keep going 🔥
What’s the Biggest Change You’ve Noticed Since Starting Monk Mode? 💭
Hey yall! We’re a few days in now, and I want to hear from you—what’s the biggest change you’ve noticed in yourself so far? Whether it’s more focus, better energy, or even just resisting distractions more easily, drop your wins (big or small) in the comments! Also, what’s been your biggest challenge so far? Let’s keep it real and support each other. 💫 We’re all in this together, and your story might motivate someone else to keep pushing. Comment below with your wins and struggles!👇🏾🔥
New comment 8h ago
What’s the Biggest Change You’ve Noticed Since Starting Monk Mode? 💭
3 likes • 2d
@Benedict Onyango I totally understand this bro...sticking to a routine especially a strict one is tricky, life will always throw you curve balls and you've got to be able to adapt your schedule... Some tricks I've learnt over time is not to schedule too strictly, leave some buffer room in your schedule and don't pack too many activities. Learn to be flexible with your tasks and have the agility to move things around. Learn yourself and your patterns and schedule your stuff based on your learnings about your levels of energy at different times of the day. And don't beat yourself up, just learn from previous days, understand where you struggle and adjust (even if this means doing an activity for a shorter time than planned).. know that it's not just you who struggles with this, many face it daily and luckily many have written on their hacks... I hope this helps
Book Recommendation
Before I get into the actual book...I came across an interesting fact about Steve Jobs...he arranged his own funeral, and every guest was to receive a gift box at the end of the service. The box contained a book, his final gift to each guest. (If you don't know about the book, google the story...I read the book and understood why it was so meaningful to him.)That gesture struck me deeply, It made me reflect on what book I would leave as a parting gift...For me, that book would be "Conversations with God Bk 1" by Neale Donald Walsh. I'll explain why this specific book this way - I loved math in school (Yeah, I know, nerd alert!), and one of the reasons I did was that unlike other subjects where you had to memorize dates or some key words etc, in math, once you understood the concept, that was it, you could solve any problem related to it. This book does something similar for me—it explains life: its origins, its purpose, the why and the how, everything...Once I read it, I found that navigating through life became so much easier no matter the challenges that came...Well, that said, a disclaimer...the book is not your typical read, it requires A LOT of unlearning and you'll need to go into it with an open mind, setting aside everything you think you know about existence...You need to be ready for it, but I believe when the student is ready, the teacher appears... I'd love to hear if anyone here has read it and what their thoughts are...
New comment 3d ago
What’s Everyone Reading? 📚 Drop Your Book Recs Below!
What's up family! One of the best ways to level up mentally during this challenge is to dive into some good books. Whether it’s self-development, mindset, health, or anything else that’s helping you grow, I want to know—what books are you reading right now? Drop your recommendations in the comments so we can all expand our reading lists! 💡👇🏾 Also, if you feel your book can help someone, make a separate post about the book you’re currently reading, what you like about it, and how it’s helping you on your journey. Let’s keep each other inspired and learning! 📖🔥 Looking forward to seeing what everyone’s into!
New comment 2d ago
What’s Everyone Reading? 📚 Drop Your Book Recs Below!
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Just finished 'Man's search for meaning'...The first part of the book really give you perspective, especially if you feel that you are going through a difficult time in your life and things are hopeless, this book will make you grateful for the challenges you are going through as they cannot compare to the life the author and others went through in concentration camps and still found hope and a purpose to live...Am now reading 'The Monk who sold his Ferrari' (I dont know why it has taken me so long to get to it). It starts off as a pretty simple story but it has quite a lot of gems within the story, am starting to see why its such a popular book. I think I'll do a separate post on a book that changed my life
“When You Know Your Worth, You Don’t Lose People. People Lose You.” 💡
Monk Mode isn’t just about breaking bad habits or leveling up your routine—it’s about knowing your worth, your potential, and stepping into the person you’re meant to be. Sometimes, that can feel lonely. Friends or family might not fully get what you’re doing or why you’re making these changes, and that’s okay. The truth is, when you start evolving, not everyone will come along for the ride. You might feel isolated or misunderstood, but remember this: you’re not losing people—they’re losing the version of you that stayed stuck. You’re growing into someone stronger, more focused, and more disciplined. Those who truly support your journey will stick by you. The rest? They’ll either catch up or fall behind. This process isn’t easy, but it’s necessary for becoming your best self. Trust that what you’re doing is worth it, and keep pushing forward. Stay focused on your goals, and never doubt your value. You’re not alone in this. We’re all on this path together. Let’s keep evolving and becoming the people we’re meant to be. 💪🏾🔥 Anyone else feeling that shift in energy as you grow? Drop your thoughts below! 👇🏾
New comment 22h ago
 “When You Know Your Worth, You Don’t Lose People. People Lose You.” 💡
2 likes • 3d
@Isaac Abadi Yo, I can so relate, once you have stoner friends its difficult to still hang out and not get pulled back in... just yesterday someone told me that I was changing too much and that am trying to change too many things at once and I'd end up being a boring guy. I dismissed their comments, I know the person I want to be and why I am doing this challenge, fun is much more 'funner' when you have control of your inner state, when you do not struggle with discipline, when you know your purpose...Stay on the path my friend
1-10 of 17
Chris Nganga
16points to level up

Active 35m ago
Joined Sep 30, 2024
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