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Weekly Check-in / Q&A Call is happening in 7 days
Rough Weekend 😖
This weekend was tough for me. I definitely struggled to stay on track with Monk Mode. There were a lot of distractions, and I found myself slipping into old habits. I didn’t get everything done that I planned, and it hit me pretty hard. 😅 But I’m not letting it derail my progress. I reminded myself that setbacks are part of the journey, and what matters most is bouncing back. I’m back on it today, refocused and ready to push forward stronger than before. If anyone else had a rough weekend, don’t be too hard on yourself. We’re in this together. Let’s keep moving forward. How did everyone else manage through the weekend?
What’s the Biggest Change You’ve Noticed Since Starting Monk Mode? 💭
Hey yall! We’re a few days in now, and I want to hear from you—what’s the biggest change you’ve noticed in yourself so far? Whether it’s more focus, better energy, or even just resisting distractions more easily, drop your wins (big or small) in the comments! Also, what’s been your biggest challenge so far? Let’s keep it real and support each other. 💫 We’re all in this together, and your story might motivate someone else to keep pushing. Comment below with your wins and struggles!👇🏾🔥
New comment 8h ago
What’s the Biggest Change You’ve Noticed Since Starting Monk Mode? 💭
Day 5 Check-In: Pushing Through the Struggle 😫
I’m not gonna lie, yesterday was rough. The excitement from the first few days is starting to wear off, and the grind is kicking in. I had a moment earlier where I felt like slipping back into some old habits, but I reminded myself why I’m doing this. I’ve been focusing on keeping my routine tight, early mornings, workouts, and staying off distractions. It’s not perfect, but I’m staying consistent, and that’s what counts. Every day I push through, I’m getting a little stronger mentally. How’s everyone else feeling around Day 5? Let’s keep each other motivated and keep pushing!
New comment 22h ago
Day 5
The momentum is high, I'm currently experiencing the winner's effect. Where wins from the previous days keeps me wanting to win more. Day 5 onto the journey and it's just wow. Let's keep winning guys. 🔥🔥
New comment 23h ago
Day 5
Day 4
More challenging day because I travel for work on the weekends. Early morning flights, plus layovers create a lot of room to not be mindful of my habits like meditation, diet, reading and journaling since im moving around so much. Caught myself before making excuses though, and decided to just allocate my RIGHT NOW to doing all of those things rather than push them off and hope I magically get the time and discipline to do them later. sometimes you have to reevaluate if you're making the things you NEED to make a priority or if you're focused on prioritizing comfort. This question helped me focus on prioritizing the right actions and I feel really good about the decision. I'm glad my personal rule is no social media, I feel like if I had the apps on my phone it would have been easy to doom scroll my way into procrastination. Lets keep it going!
New comment 2d ago
Day 4
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