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11 contributions to MONK MODE CHALLENGE
What’s Everyone Reading? 📚 Drop Your Book Recs Below!
What's up family! One of the best ways to level up mentally during this challenge is to dive into some good books. Whether it’s self-development, mindset, health, or anything else that’s helping you grow, I want to know—what books are you reading right now? Drop your recommendations in the comments so we can all expand our reading lists! 💡👇🏾 Also, if you feel your book can help someone, make a separate post about the book you’re currently reading, what you like about it, and how it’s helping you on your journey. Let’s keep each other inspired and learning! 📖🔥 Looking forward to seeing what everyone’s into!
New comment 1h ago
What’s Everyone Reading? 📚 Drop Your Book Recs Below!
0 likes • 1h
I have been reading Clear Thinking by Shane Parrish. This is a great book because it inspired me to be more self-aware in my decision-making and to implement some safeguards.We know you can’t just rely on your strengths but also have to know and deal with weaknesses. This books helps with that, managing weaknesses. Great book!
What’s the Biggest Change You’ve Noticed Since Starting Monk Mode? 💭
Hey yall! We’re a few days in now, and I want to hear from you—what’s the biggest change you’ve noticed in yourself so far? Whether it’s more focus, better energy, or even just resisting distractions more easily, drop your wins (big or small) in the comments! Also, what’s been your biggest challenge so far? Let’s keep it real and support each other. 💫 We’re all in this together, and your story might motivate someone else to keep pushing. Comment below with your wins and struggles!👇🏾🔥
New comment 10h ago
What’s the Biggest Change You’ve Noticed Since Starting Monk Mode? 💭
1 like • 1d
My biggest change so far is more self awareness, being more present and really listening to others as they speak rather than thinking about what I am going to say next. The biggest struggle was not drinking during my friend’s wedding weekend. I made it!
0 likes • 10h
Thank you! I just got home from the weekend and feel good about my choices. I think what helped me the most is that I posted in the group chat that I was not going to drink. Writing something down is very powerful! Thanks for the support.
Day 4
More challenging day because I travel for work on the weekends. Early morning flights, plus layovers create a lot of room to not be mindful of my habits like meditation, diet, reading and journaling since im moving around so much. Caught myself before making excuses though, and decided to just allocate my RIGHT NOW to doing all of those things rather than push them off and hope I magically get the time and discipline to do them later. sometimes you have to reevaluate if you're making the things you NEED to make a priority or if you're focused on prioritizing comfort. This question helped me focus on prioritizing the right actions and I feel really good about the decision. I'm glad my personal rule is no social media, I feel like if I had the apps on my phone it would have been easy to doom scroll my way into procrastination. Lets keep it going!
New comment 2d ago
Day 4
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Keep it up! I’m out of town this weekend too so my new routine is off, but I’m making time for my new habits. One of my best friends is getting married and I am a bridesmaid. Everyone is drinking, but I’m chillin with a sparkling water with lime feeling good about my health and choices. We’ve got this!
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Stay strong and be confident, the confidence comes from going through difficult stuff.
Day 3
“What entertains you is what trains you, Your inputs are your outputs” don’t let anyone or anything’s negative or skewed perspective on reality stop you from your OWN personal development. Nobody else is responsible for your future but YOU. And it starts with your habits NOW. Be mindful of the content you consume and that includes the conversations you have. Even the ones you have with yourself in your head. Make sure everything lines up with the goals for yourself. Easy task- Ask yourself, is what you’re doing, watching, or spending time with right now, something the version of“You” that you dream of would do?” I realized I need to spend more time meditating and praying. Those are the things that I haven’t checked off consecutively on my tracker. Meaning I’ve forced myself to be hyper productive instead of giving myself time for gratitude and grounding. Finding ways to incorporate this more often since I know it’s only going to HELP me. Can’t run from our own thoughts! Let’s keep being great!
New comment 3d ago
Day 3
4 likes • 3d
@Maada Sammah I think that is why change is so hard, it is slow and we don’t see immediate results.
What Physical Goals Are You Chasing By 2025? 🏋🏾‍♂️💪🏾
Hey fam! As we dive deeper into the challenge, I’m curious—what physical goals are you all working toward? Whether it’s hitting a new personal record, losing weight, building more muscle, improving endurance, or just getting in better shape overall, we’ve all got something driving us. What do you want to accomplish during this challenge and before 2025? Let’s set the bar high and hold each other accountable. (Personally: I plan to shed 10 more of fat and build more muscle in the next 90 days) Share your goals below so we can push each other to hit those milestones! 👇🏾🔥
New comment 3d ago
What Physical Goals Are You Chasing By 2025? 🏋🏾‍♂️💪🏾
2 likes • 3d
My physical goal is to workout daily. This involves cardio daily ant least 30 minutes and weights two to three times a week. I’d like to get to 17% body fat, currently I’m at 20%. To do this I know I need to cut out the crappy foods like chips, ice cream, and chocolates. Let’s be honest, they taste great and relieve stress, but won’t get me to my goals. For my current diet, I’m sticking to the Tim Ferris Slow- Carb diet. I’m only on day three, but so far I have not craved junk food. .
1-10 of 11
Heather Dunphy
25points to level up
Ready to unlock my potential!

Active 1h ago
Joined Oct 1, 2024
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