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Prophetic Inner Circle

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22 contributions to Prophetic Inner Circle
Who are those willing to pick up their spades and dig deeper?
The Lord downloaded this word to me whilst I was sat on the beach last Wednesday : A word from the Lord I am looking for people that won’t only scratch the surface but will dig deep . I saw people with spades digging in the soil when they had dug only a little, they found water I heard the words I’m not looking for a rake generation but a spade generation . This who want to go deeper who are not satisfied with the surface . I’m looking for an Ekekiel 47 generation , those that crave to go deeper!! We are to move in to deeper waters . With that comes risk and trust as you sometimes can’t see what lies beneath , you can’t touch the bottom . I heard the Lord say this is where you follow my lead and realise I am your safety net. It’s when you stop relying on your self protection and move in to fuller faith . Full reliance on Him! It is the unknown and He has so much beauty and hidden things to show you ! Some will want to turn back and stand on solid ground in the shallows because it is safe to them and what they know . Like Peter when Jesus had died and resurrected he went back to what he knew as that was his safe place to go back to being a fisherman . But Jesus had so much more for him and to show him . Ephesians 3:20 - to him who is able to do immeasurably more than we can ever imagine. He wants to show us Jeremiah 33:3 moments! I dare you step into the water , dare to go deeper, pick up your spade. He has so much to share and show you !
New comment 3h ago
0 likes • 3h
Yes and amen
CEO DREAM - Clothes not fitting
CEO DREAM - I had a dream that the CEO of my big work organisation came into my bedroom and he had my shirt on but it was too small for him (didn’t fit and was uncomfortable) so he took it off in disgust and threw it onto my bed - then he grabbed my trousers out of my wardrobe and put them on but they too didn’t fit so he threw them down on my bed and acted as though he had every right to have access to my clothes - the. He left as quickly as he came but with the same no interest in striking up a conversation Anyone have an understanding of what this means ?
New comment 13d ago
1 like • 13d
Thank you
Mafia dreams - 3 dreams
I’ve been asking Holy Spirit for help with my documentary on atmospheres - I’ve had 3 dreams (incredibly movie like with different canera angle shots ) over 3 nights in the past couple of week about the mafia - Dream 1 Set in 1950’s I was part of it, it was like I was in a movie and with different camera views / I saw a big black 1950 type American car and my self standing on a footpath in front of the big black gangster car - there were 3 big blokes in the back and the driver was encouraged me to get into the car with the gangsters - as soon as I got in the car a man approached the car with a machine gun and shot up the car I think we were all killed - although all I saw was the windscreens getting shattered Dream no2 1950’s I was an observer in a typical American 2 sentry house house leading on from the myrder in the car - I knew that these ladies husbands had been murdered and now they were targeting the wives - there was a man under the floor and a lady in the bedroom lifted up a hatch in the floor I think it must have been a basement - there was a gangster hiding under the floor as the camera view went under the floor - the lady looked into the basement and was in shock - I knew her husband was there (dead) but you could see him - she reached in and the gangster grabbed her Dream 3 I was in my early 20’s in my home town, some young Italians I grew up with being accepted and feeling the honour of being accepted into “ the family” mafia - 3 dreams - I’m sensing i need to watch the Godfather movie 🍿 All 3 dreams were movie like and showed the situation but didn’t have any narrative - “show don’t tell” style I did have another dream about identity but I can’t remember that other than a person being confused about if they were male or female I’m not a big dreamer so Any interpretations would be greatly appreciated
New comment Jul 31
0 likes • Jul 31
@Valerie Keeping interesting thank you
Friday Community Call Rescheduled 🚨
Hi family, Unfortunately, today’s community call will be rescheduled to a later date due to a family situation. We apologize for any inconvenience! Big apologizes! Please keep an eye out for a future replacement call. Love you all dearly!
New comment Jul 26
0 likes • Jul 26
VISION Pray for Australia
This morning I was praying and I had a vision and saw Australia in a glowing ball like this picture - the Lord said I want you to pray for Australia
New comment 18d ago
VISION Pray for Australia
1-10 of 22
Barry Maskell
78points to level up
Baz here - Together with Holy Ghost I’m going to create a documentary Sieze the day, Stay the path, keep the faith

Active 3h ago
Joined Jul 14, 2024
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