Mafia dreams - 3 dreams
I’ve been asking Holy Spirit for help with my documentary on atmospheres - I’ve had 3 dreams (incredibly movie like with different canera angle shots ) over 3 nights in the past couple of week about the mafia -
Dream 1
Set in 1950’s I was part of it, it was like I was in a movie and with different camera views / I saw a big black 1950 type American car and my self standing on a footpath in front of the big black gangster car - there were 3 big blokes in the back and the driver was encouraged me to get into the car with the gangsters - as soon as I got in the car a man approached the car with a machine gun and shot up the car I think we were all killed - although all I saw was the windscreens getting shattered
Dream no2
1950’s I was an observer in a typical American 2 sentry house house leading on from the myrder in the car - I knew that these ladies husbands had been murdered and now they were targeting the wives - there was a man under the floor and a lady in the bedroom lifted up a hatch in the floor I think it must have been a basement - there was a gangster hiding under the floor as the camera view went under the floor - the lady looked into the basement and was in shock - I knew her husband was there (dead) but you could see him - she reached in and the gangster grabbed her
Dream 3
I was in my early 20’s in my home town, some young Italians I grew up with being accepted and feeling the honour of being accepted into “ the family” mafia -
3 dreams - I’m sensing i need to watch the Godfather movie 🍿
All 3 dreams were movie like and showed the situation but didn’t have any narrative - “show don’t tell” style
I did have another dream about identity but I can’t remember that other than a person being confused about if they were male or female
I’m not a big dreamer so Any interpretations would be greatly appreciated
Barry Maskell
Mafia dreams - 3 dreams
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