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Prophetic Inner Circle

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17 contributions to Prophetic Inner Circle
“It’s time for the creatives to arise”
They have been living underground. They have been fighting for their lives. They have been fighting over the promises of God. They know they were born for so much more. They have a fire, a knowing in their spirit that they have so much to give yet the years of warfare have worn them down. They have a voice, a creative voice, unlike that of others. They have an assignment, a specific assignment and are ready to receive. They have been trained, they are now war ready. Ready to face the onslaught for they now stand firm. They stand on the rock that they know is their strength, their truth, their hope. It’s time to arise! You! My might warriors! My creatives! You were born for such a time as this. You were born to carry My heart, My fire, My glory. Don’t shrink back, for now is your time to shine. When the world looks dark, you My loved ones will illuminate the spaces I send you to. You will release My truth, you will release the deep things of My heart with such a purity, such a passion and with such a deep submission to Me. Your eyes will be opened to things you’ve never even dreamt of seeing. Your imagination will come alive with the down pouring of revelation I am releasing. Rise creatives! Rise and proclaim the name of your God! Make My name famous in all the earth! Declare My truth, My will, My ways to all the people. Let a wave, a ripple effect go out over the nations to create a new sound, a new reality, the Kingdom reality. My creatives, you will awaken My bride. You will be able to speak in ways others cannot. Don’t be surprised when I show up in your world, for what I am about to do through you is far more than you ever dreamt or imagined. A new wave is coming! This wave is My creatives! “Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭24‬:‭7‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ “For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?””
New comment 4d ago
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Amen!! 🙌🏼❤️‍🔥🙌🏼
Question about dream
Does anyone have insight on what it would mean to rescue a child from drowning in a dream? I’ve had 3 dreams where I was rescuing a child, a different child in each dream and in 3 different water situations I’m each one. The first was a bathtub and I gave the child CPR and they revived. The second was a river where we were crossing a bridge and they fell in and I grabbed them back out before they got swept away and the third time was in a swimming pool where they sink down to the bottom in a sitting position and I swam down and pulled them back up.
New comment 5d ago
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@Opeyemi Idowu Amen, praise God! 🙌🏼
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@Mayra Lopez Thank you for your response and sharing the insights. To answer your questions, there was color in each dream, the first one I would say was more dark shades like an old movie kind of. The other two were normal colors for the settings. I don’t think it was fear I felt in the dreams. It was more like that fight or flight feeling and so I immediately quickly got my children out of the water. I guess I’ve just been more concerned over time of why I’ve had these dreams about three of my children being in water like that. After the first dream, since it was a long time ago, I thought it had to do with Revival and not specifically with my daughter but now that I’ve had dreams about three children almost drowning I’ve wondered more. I agree about the 3rd child, him being sitting up was odd so I’ve wondered about that so thank you for taking the time and what you shared. 🙏🏼💜
Prayer needed!
Dear prayer warriors, I am asking for a prayer. Just received a text message from Ukrain, one lady who is not so close to God, by knows about Him. Her husband died, rocket killed him. Today is a funeral. She is asking for prayer and support. I know her very well, and am glad she knew she can ask for help and prayer. 🙏 in the middle of the war and death, I want her to find Jesus as her best friend and comforter.
New comment 6d ago
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Praying this scripture over your friend:“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.” ‭‭John‬ ‭1‬:‭5‬ ‭NLT‬‬ May the Light of Christ shine in this dark time and may she be drawn closer to Him by it, we declare what the enemy meant for evil will be turned for her and many others good in Jesus Christ’s Mighty Name amen 🙏🏼
Help interpreting a dream
I had a dream last night that my landlord told me I needed to take care of the rosebushes, and when I went into the backyard, he had changed everything and put the rosebushes into black raised beds. I also noticed he had put in an apple tree that already had fruit ready to eat on it. I was surprised that he did all this nice work but did take notice in the dream that it was weird that the raised beds for the roses were black and there were 2 of them. In real life, it’s been hard for me to take care of the rosebushes in the season of life I’m in with four little kids, but my landlord was coming to close down the pool and so I did some pruning of them. I have felt a bit of guilt about not being able to take better care of them. When my landlord came, he didn’t say anything about them at all.
New comment 4d ago
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@Blessy Mathew Thank you Blessy for taking the time to pray and ask the Lord about this dream. It does help and I will be praying more into it as well to see who the Lord is highlighting regarding spirit of death. There was one who I have been disciplining in the area of deliverance for almost a year and she has been delivered of that spirit of death that the Lord had showed me she had so I will see if He points anyone else out. There are supposed to be 2 new people this week. Thank you again for your prayers 🥰 God bless you Blessy 🙏🏼💕
Prayer request for 17 year old boy suffering from seizures please.
Please pray for a 17 year old boy. He has experienced ongoing seizures all his life, and the doctors are pressing the parents, a Pastoral couple, for them to consent to him having brain surgery and invasive tests. The mother is hoping the Lord will heal him, so he'll be spared from the brain surgery. I'm trying to press in to receive some direction from the Lord. So far, I've mostly drawn a blank. Reinforcements please!
New comment 8d ago
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@Opeyemi Idowu Amen 🙏🏼🔥
1-10 of 17
Crystal Bottger
35points to level up
I’m passionate about hearts being healed and drawn into closer relationship with the Father, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit through the gift of prophecy

Active 16h ago
Joined Sep 3, 2024
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